December 5, 2012


Been listening to: Karen O - Strange Love

Lots of stories and photos to share but there's also a storm going on in my head. So I thought I'll just put it up here in case I forgot or don't have the time to do so in the near future when I try to get those things right. And yeah, Carpool Confessional was the first thing that came up to my mind when I was thinking what's the title of this post should be.

About two weeks ago we just heard the news that my mother's oldest sister has some problem with her heart so my mother started a plan to visit her. I've got nothing to do at home so at one fine Saturday morning, I went along with Mama and my other aunt and uncle (as usual). Off to Cilegon we go, heading west from where I live. I enjoy the short trip especially because I get to bring Sirius with me and occupy the whole backseat of the car for myself. The driver's blasting Westlife's best hits because that's the only cassette he got in the car. After awhile, I got bored and put my headset on. Mumford and Sons's Lover of the Light was such a perfect tune for the ride. The clouds were spectacular and listening to the song on the road reminds me to the incredible music video they had for this song.

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The first place we visit wasn't actually my aunt's. We headed to this little shop that sells a lot of snacks and some other local foods. I find it funny that my mum and her brother and sister actually bought a lot of stuffs to bring to their own home. They did have something for my sick aunt, but they bought those snacks and foods for themselves, they're like, 'We don't go here everyday so let's go get 'em!' Anyway, my aunt looks fine and she just can't sit still.

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We went home in the afternoon when the rain started to pour again. We just sit there in silence on our way back home. I'm back with my own music and just staring at other cars passing by, enjoying the gloomy feeling that suddenly came. Oh December turns everything gloomy. But wait until January comes.


I've been enjoying this Android app called Magic Hour. I wanted to try vsco cam so bad, but they don't have the Android version. So this app is like the closest I can get. With the full version of this app you can make your own filter. Me, on the other, gets too lazy and download other people's filters at the filter market and adjust it a bit. So I hope these photos with 'film filter look' annoy you because there are more to come! HA. I'll be back soon. Tomorrow, hopefully. :)



Midnight And Dawn said...

I love Magic Hour! I use that & Afterglow. I'm not sure if they have an android version.

Di said...

Ahh yes, I want to try that one too. But they don't have the android version :(

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