July 30, 2014

Eid Mubarak!

Happy Eid Mubarak! 

Nggak terasa banget bulan Ramadhan sudah berlalu. Untuk siapa pun yang baca, selamat Idul Fitri 1435 Hijriyah. Mohon maaf kalau saya ada salah kata atau mungkin salah kasih informasi di postingan-postingan sebelumnya. Selamat berlebaran dengan keluarga dan sahabat, semuanya! Makan-makannya jangan pake dendam, mentang-mentang habis puasa sebulan. Hehehe

July 18, 2014

What's Up / Sundate

Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date Sunday Date
Sunday, July 13

What's up, blogger? Let's talk about some interesting things that happened.
Germany won the 2014 World Cup and I'm so happy for them. To be honest, I started supporting them at the round of 16 since other favorites of mine didn't make it. I was also sure that Brazil will win and I was anxious when they met at the semifinal. But then... 7-1! I left the TV for awhile and they already scored two more goals. Goal after goal after goal... It was crazy/amazing. Manuel Neuer though... Okay, I'll stop the football talk now.
Anyway, I finally finished The Hobbit. Can't wait for December. I'm sure the battle will be epic! I'm currently reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. I should probably read the novels first but whatever, man. Last week I saw The Fault In Our Stars with my Mom. It really lives up to the book, I think. Although thank God, I didn't cry like when I saw the movie, only when I read the book. My Mom cried and she was so into the the story more than I expected. Haha. Hmm I really like Nat Wolff. I heard he'll be playing Q in another movie adaptation from John Green's book, Paper Towns. Totally looking forward to it, even though I'm still kind of upset about the other character in that book...

These photos are from last Sunday. I met up with the girls for Iftar. We just met Ika again because the last two months she was taking exclusive English courses in Pare, Kediri. It was nice catching up with them. I don't know about them but sometimes I miss school.

Ramadhan is soon coming to an end. May these last weeks are filled with joys and blessing. Happy Friday!

July 2, 2014

Fast & Slow

Kitchen Selfie

The holy month of Ramadhan is here and I am so excited about it. We started fasting on Sunday so we just begun. I feel like the time is flying by because it's already mid-year, but I also feel like it's slowing down a bit now that it's Ramadhan. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I've been spending less time on the computer and I haven't pick up my cameras for days. Even if I do, I just left the pictures/clips still in the camera, not in the mood to process them. I'm still hunting for job and still reading The Hobbit. Sometimes I will be such a slow reader. I mean, once I sit down and start reading I could read for hours. So normally I would finish a book in about three day, depends on the book. Other time, like right now, I would read, finished another chapter, put it down, and start reading again like two days later. And it's not because the book sucks. Tolkien's words are magic. I really like it. So yeah, let's finish it before this week ends. Oh, there's this 2014 reading challenge on Goodreads. You would put a number of books you want to read this year. I only put 15 because that sounds realistic to me. And some people actually want to read 200 books, but currently only have 2 books done, do you think maybe they forget to update their Goodreads?? Okay, well... whatever suits their boat, I guess.

Sooo here's a few weeks old photo of me. There was this little 'natural spotlight' in our kitchen that day so I had to take a selfie.

Have a good day, humans.
(Right now I'm a dwarf)

Read the Printed Word!