October 30, 2013

Movie Review + Photo Mess: Black & White

IMG_0533 IMG_4407 I obviously enjoy more free time than I should for the past few weeks. I watched some movies so I think I have to give a little commentary/review about it, no?

  • Forrest Gump. Well, this is embarrassing but I just saw this movie for the first time... But I love it. Forrest is like a really kind and also really lucky man. I laughed so hard on the part where Forrest gave a speech in front of hundreds of thousand people. Also, check out these kids dressing up for Halloween and you'll find Forrest!
  • Super 8. So funny. Great kid actors. Love it when they're taking advantage of the whole situation and making it a great background for their movie. Just ignore the lens flare. J.J. Abrams has a thing for that. 
  • Never Cry Wolf. This is a 1983 movie, almost ten years before I was born. I don't even know all the actors in these movie. I was reading review about The Grey and a review mentioned this movie so I watched it. I just love wolves, man. 
  • Almost Famous. Also for the first time. I thought this movie will be a lot like The Runaways, but not really. It's sweet. I like this kind of teen drama in which the characters finally do the right thing.
  • A Royal Affair. Of course I saw this movie because of Mads Mikkelsen. It's a historical drama. But it's also more than just that. Just go watch it. Hehe.
  • The Vampire Diaries. I just started season 4. The ending of season 3 got me teary! I hate that Alaric died... 
  • Hubble 3D. It's a documentary about seven astronauts sent to repair the Hubble space telescope, narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio. Needless to say, it's breath-taking. I'm happy to be able to recognize some nebulas shown in a scene.

Other than that, I edited some old photos on Photoshop. Some of the photos are from family day. I always wanted to make a post full of black and white pictures. I have found a set of actions, one of them is black and white, so it's easier for me now. I usually gave up trying to edit my photos in black and white, but that's because I don't really know the presets and curves to create a dramatic photo. I mean, it's not like these ones are dramatic... so yeah. Here we go.
  IMG_7978-BW_MG_7943 IMG_7866 IMG_7853 IMG_7877 IMG_7879 IMG_8006 IMG_8031
naya-&-me IMG_1345 _MG_1287 _MG_1288 IMG_8288 IMG_7837 2013-10-12-16.53-1 2013-10-12-16.53 IMG_00351 IMG_3180
1. Nessie?
2. Before we were upside down. Please ignore my hair.
3. Naya.
4. Faris.
5. Big girls talking.
6. Holding Naya because the ride was a little bumpy.
7. Appropriate expression.
8. Sometimes this happens.
9. Snack time for her.
10. An afternoon, watching people.
11. Focus 1
12. Focus 2
13. A normal red apple.
14. Boring clothes.
15. Kids.
16. Playing kites.
17. Bowie experiment.
18. A little sunlight.

October 28, 2013

S untuk Sidang

IMG_1075-1 IMG_1077 _MG_1018 Selamat hari Sumpah Pemuda, wahai pemuda-pemudi Indonesia! Mumpung masih muda, mari kita terus berkarya. :D 
Secara pribadi, saat ini perjuangan terbesar yang sedang saya hadapi adalah... skripsi. Ngomongin skripsi, ini beberapa foto yang saya ambil ketika datang ke sidang akhir pertengahan bulan September yang lalu. Berhubung baru bisa blogging lagi, baru di posting sekarang hehe. Kami datang untuk memberikan dukungan moral bagi teman-teman yang jadi peserta sidang, tapi terutama untuk sahabat kami, Indah. Biarpun nggak disidang hari itu, saya sukses merasa mules karena terbawa suasana.
  IMG_1054double friendship bracelet IMG_0994 IMG_0996 IMG_1000 IMG_1011 Entah kenapa pada berpose begitu (-__-)v
  IMG_1012IMG_1020 IMG_1023 IMG_1025 IMG_1032 IMG_1015 IMG_1088 IMG_1108Setelah selesai sidang, kami sibuk wawancara Indah mengenai semuanya yang terjadi di ruang sidang. Indah adalah peserta terakhir, jadi setelah dia selesai, saya minta semua peserta angkatan saya yang sidang hari itu untuk foto bersama. Lihat deh, wajah mereka semua sumringah banget begitu selesai disidang. Hari itu saya ikut termotivasi untuk cepat menyusul mereka. Hari itu lho ya. Haha. Lalu kami memberikan sedikit kejutan ulang tahun untuk Stephanie (lagi).

Saya sendiri pertengahan Oktober lalu ikut sidang outline alias sidang untuk bab pertama skripsi. Setelah revisi saya baru akan diberikan dosen pembimbing. Tapi sumpah deh, setelah sidang outline itu sempat drop juga mental saya dan jadi agak ogah-ogahan untuk melanjutkan. Hari itu kebetulan Radhith dan Ika juga datang dan lumayan jadi penyemangat setelah saya 'dibantai'. Memang banyak juga sih teman-teman yang baru mulai bab pertama. Tapi saya harus cepat bangkit lagi dan menyusul teman-teman yang sudah sidang akhir.
Yuk! (ง'̀-'́)ง

outliners2013-10-11-11.57.47 runway in the making

Some black and white photos on the next post!

October 26, 2013

What's Up, October

moontober Guess who survived nearly a month without Internet access at home? Yep, you guessed right. ME. And I wasn't happy about it. One day the modem just died and it took that long for the technician to come and turn out the problem wasn't even that serious. But hey, whatever. I'm back. I have quite a lot of photos to share, that right now I don't even know which one I should post first. But I'm glad it's October. People are excited for sweater weather and even though we only have two seasons here, I feel like I can relate to them. But maybe for us it's more like raincoat & umbrella weather. And oh, Halloween! Yeah, we don't celebrate that either but I like it everything about it!

Here's a little playlist. I haven't been listening to anything new recently but hopefully these few songs will send a little chill down your spine.....

october 2013 by Diah on Grooveshark
Read the Printed Word!