June 12, 2015

To Wait and Watch

[A bilingual post]

Kelihatannya mungkin saya emang sengaja nyuekin blog ini, saya nyadar kok. Tapi soal itu bisa diomongin nanti, mungkin di postingan berbeda. Saya mau nunjukin dulu beberapa klip ini. / It may seem like I’ve been neglecting this blog for some reason, I’m aware of that. But let’s talk about it later, maybe on another post. First, I want to show these clips.

Coldplay + Game of Thrones for Red Nose Day
Coba klik aja dan lihat sendiri, kalau belum! Saya lihat foto waktu mereka rekaman di akun Google+ Coldplay. Saya pikir, oke, menarik. Nggak nyangka bakalan semenarik dan selucu itu. Saya merasa bersalah karena ketawa waktu mereka nyanyi tentang Red Wedding… Tapi Kit Snow bikin saya merasa lebih baik. ;)
Click and check it out, if you haven’t already! I saw a photo from their recording day on Coldplay’s Google+ account. I thought okay, interesting. I didn't know it’d be this interesting and funny. I mean, I feel bad laughing on the part where they sing about the Red Wedding... But Kit Snow makes me feel better. ;)

Seperti yang mungkin udah diketahui (dari postingan sebelumnya atau dari Twitter saya), belakangan ini saya terobsesi sama GoT. Saya seneng banget bisa nebak beberapa bagian dari episode 9. Tapi nggak, saya belum dan nggak berencana untuk baca bukunya. Maksudnya, saya tahu bukunya adalah karya literatur yang bagus, tapi saya pengen nikmatin aja serial TV-nya tanpa berharap terlalu banyak. Terutama karena sekarang serialnya udah overlapped (mendahului?) bukunya. Dan OMG finalenya minggu depan. Berdasarkan teori dan, ahem, spoiler dari bukunya, saya punya beberapa spekulasi mengenai apa yang akan terjadi. Dan spoilernya ada di mana-mana udah kayak lapangan penuh ranjau setiap kali lagi Googling apa aja tentang Game of Thrones. Walaupun saya masih berharap yang terburuk nggak akan terjadi. Plis lah, jangan bikin ceritanya ngegantung. Kalau ngerti maksud saya. *evil grin* 
As you may have learned (from my previous post or from my tweets), lately I’m really obsessed with GoT. I love that I was able to guess some part from episode 9. But no, I haven’t and not planning to read the books. I mean, I know it’s a great piece of literature and all, but I prefer to just enjoy the TV show without expecting too much, you know? Especially now that the show has overlapped the books. And OMG the finale is next week. Based from the theories and ahem, some book spoilers that I read, I now have some speculations about what's gonna happen. And the spoilers are everywhere it’s like a field of booby trap of spoilers whenever I Googling something Game of Thrones. Although I’m still hoping that the worst won't happen. Like, please, don’t leave us hanging on the story cliff. If you know what I mean. *evil grin*
Jurrasic World 
Udah main di seluruh dunia dan saya nggak sabar untuk nonton akhir pekan ini. Saya nggak mau berharap banyak, tapi final trailer-nya keliatan bagus dan menjanjikan. Jadi, lihat aja nanti. / It’s playing worldwide now and I can’t wait to see it this weekend. I don’t want to expect too much, but the final trailer looks good and promising. So we’ll see.
Terminator: Genisys 
Jujur saya belum pernah nonton ‘Terminator Salvation’. Tapi saya suka tiga film sebelumnya. Lagipula Arnold bilang filmnya payah, jadi kayaknya bisa saya skip aja? Haha. Tapi yang satu ini... Para pemainnya tentunya jadi hal pertama yang menarik perhatian saya. Ada Khaleesi, eh maksudnya, Emilia Clarke sebagai Sarah Connor. Terus ada Jason Clarke. Dan Jai Courtney! Pria tampan dan tangguh itu. Semuanya jadi tambah menarik karena trailernya memberi kesan kalau ada alternative timeline dari cerita ini. Tapi yah, saya mah tau apa? Film sebelumnya aja belum nonton. Mungkin saya harus tonton sebelum ‘Genisys’ rilis awal July nanti. 
To be honest still haven’t watch ‘Terminator Salvation’. But I love the previous three films. And Arnold say it was suck anyway, so I think I can skip it? Haha. But this one... hmmm. The cast was obviously the first thing that attract me. Khaleesi, I mean, Emilia Clarke is Sarah Connor. And Jason Clarke. And Jai Courtney! That tough and good looking lad. It’s getting more interesting that the trailer suggests there’s an alternative timeline to the story we all know. But what do I know? I skip the previous film. I might have too see it before ‘Genisys’ released on the first of July.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Oke, Amerika versus Soviet. Spy. Klasik. Dan mungkin juga klise. Tapi HENRY CAVILL, meeeen! Saya harus nonton. / Okay, America versus Soviet. Spy. Clasic. And maybe a bit cliche. But HENRY CAVILL, maaan! I just have to see this one.
The Martian
Trailernya keluar beberapa hari yang lalu dan saya spontan langsung ngebandinginnya dengan Interstellar. Udah gitu ada Jessica Chastain dan Matt Damon pula di film ini. Film lain yang saya pikirkan setelah lihat trailer ini adalah ‘Cast Away’. Saya yakin kita bakal melihat penampilan yang keren banget dari Matt Damon yang kali ini terdampar di Mars. Menarik. Kalau masih butuh alasan untuk nungguin film ini, ada Ridley Scott di bangku sutradara. Tapi baru bakal rilis bulan November. Ngincar Oscar nih kayaknya. 
The trailer came out a few days ago and I can’t help but compare it to Interstellar. Especially that Jessica Chastain and Matt Damon are also starring on this movie. Another movie I think about after I saw the trailer was ‘Cast Away’. I’m sure we’re going to see a superb performance from Matt Damon who is stranded on Mars. Interesting. Also, if you need more reason to look forward for this movie, Ridley Scott directed this movie. It will be released on November. Maybe they’re eyeing for some Oscars. 

 And then there’s Minions and Inside Out. I love animated movie! Are there any other movies you’d like to see?

So while I was writing this post I knew that I forgot one movie but I just can’t remember it but now I do. It’s American Ultra starring my baby Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg! They play a couple again and I can’t help thinking that this could be the sequel to Adventureland. I love that movie!
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