December 29, 2012
Yo, semuanya. Seperti yang gue sebutkan di postingan sebelumnya, kali ini gue mau curhat soal rambut. Hehe... namanya juga wanita. Gue jarang banget ganti gaya rambut, tapi kalau udah suka sama gaya rambut seseorang, gue nggak akan ragu untuk langsung pergi ke salon demi mendapatkan gaya itu secepatnya. Sebenarnya pengen juga manjangin rambut lagi. Terakhir rambut gue panjang itu tahun lalu, terus pas akhir tahun spontan potong rambut sebahu sama sohib gue, kemudian gue jatuh cinta sama potongan rambutnya Tegan seperti yang di atas waktu dia tampil di Newport (kalo nggak salah) dan selama recording album terbarunya serta bikin webseries Carpool Confessional.
Jadi suatu hari gue langsung aja ngacir ke salon untuk potong rambut. Hasilnya seperti yang diatas. Gue nggak terlalu suka karena menurut gue bisa lebih bagus daripada itu. Maksudnya sih supaya bagian yang depannya itu agak panjang dan beda jauh sama yang dibelakang... gitu deh, susah jelasinnya. Waktu udah agak panjang lumayan bagus sih, tapi lama-lama jadi kayak bob biasa aja. Udah gitu nggak lama setelah gue potong rambut si Tegan juga ikutan potong....... -__-
Gue suka banget potongan rambutnya yang sebelumnya, jadi waktu dia potong rambut pendek kayaknya kok sayang banget. Tapi lama-lama bagus juga. Ah selama dia nggak plontos, kayaknya rambutnya mau diapain juga tetep bagus deh... Lalu gue sempat tergoda untuk potong pendek (lagi), tapi nggak jadi soalnya rambut gue lama banget panjangnya. Kemudian suatu hari gue berinisiatif untuk potong rambut sendiri. Gue yakin bakal susah banget jadi gue pikir oke, yang gue potong cukup poninya aja. Gue sempat ragu karena kalau gagal wah gawat banget. Ini urusan rambut, men! Dan... beneran gagal. Gue memotong poni gue sendiri dan hasilnya kependekan serta berantakan. Begitu menyadari kegagalan itu gue langsung melongo di depan cermin tapi sedetik kemudian gue langsung ketawa ngakak, menertawakan kebodohan gue sendiri dan muka gue yang langsung berubah dengan poni yang baru. Singkat cerita, gue langsung ke salon terdekat untuk minta dirapihkan poninya dan sekalian potong rambut, tapi yah tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan.... *dramatis
Tentunya gue diketawain sama teman-teman begitu gue cerita ke mereka. Besoknya waktu kuliah gue jepit aja poninya. Lily menghibur dengan bilang, 'Nggak apa-apa kan biar kayak Roomi rambutnya.' Jadi Roomi yang dia maksud itu adalah Rooney Mara (di The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo sebagai Lisbeth Salander, tentunya). Roomi terdengar seperti perpaduan Rooney Mara dan Noomi Rapace. Begitu gue koreksi, si Oma malah bilang, 'Oh udah ganti namanya?' Susahnya ngomong sama oma-oma...
Yah sebenarnya nggak berniat untuk potong kembaran seperti ini, tapi apa mau dikata Rooney, kita berjodoh. You're my hair twins now. Hahaha..... ini foto pada malam setelah kejadian. Sekarang poninya udah sedikit lebih panjang sih, tapi gue belom foto-foto narsis lagi jadi yah beginilah.
Sepertinya seru ya bikin review 2012 di postingan selanjutnya.... hmmm. Kita lihat saja nanti...
lisbeth salander,
rooney mara,
tegan and sara,
tegan quin
December 25, 2012
On Mother's Day
December 22nd is my country's national mother's day. We only got each other since there's only the two of us left in the house now. Sometimes I just hate so many annoying things she does but I don't even need to say how much I love her. I'm not a really romantic kind of person, I mean I can, but it's hard to give her a casual hug or something like that, without being affected by her sentimental response. I'd rather write down my feelings and honestly I still feel the same about the whole thing as when I wrote this post a year ago. Please read. :)
So on mother's day I went along with my mother and aunt for some shopping. Yep, shopping with Mama. I usually prefer to stay home doing chores, but I needed to buy some stuffs and there's nothing to do at home, so there I went. It was exhausting, of course, following her around when she's stopping at every single stand. Okay, I exaggerated a bit, but that's just boring.
Hanging out with Iron Man and Thor by noon, walking through the floods by the afternoon.
And just in time when we're about to leave, the rain poured so heavily along with strong winds I thought I witnessed a strom. So we're stuck in the mall. At our way back to my uncle's place, we literally walk through the flood. It was raining so heavily for maybe two hours (but no, we didn't wait for the rain for two hours) and resulting in floods and traffic jam everywhere. We stayed until dusk and insist on going home instead of spending the night there. It was such a struggle to get home and I was already thinking about going back to my uncle's, but we made it! What a random day. And I totally deserved that double cheeseburger at the end of the day.
We're having a week off college but when we come back, we have papers waiting for us and also two weeks before finals. I'm casually freaking out here. The future is near!!! I'm so scared. Excited but scared. Anyway, on the last Wednesday before the year end holiday, we took a quiz on the last class of the day and got home a bit early. The light was stunning so I pulled out my phone and capture the moment instantly. Lily said something like, 'As if an angel just came down...' and we laughed.
And talking about that old girl, Lily... it's her birthday today! Happy birthday, Lily ! We totally had fun posting photos of her on Instagram to embarrass her. Sorry, Grandma Lily! Yes, I took some of those embarrassing photos but I'm not the one posting them! Hahaha :p
And to all of you who celebrate it, I wish you guys a merry Christmas and happy holidays! :)
Coming back soon with an update about my hair (yes, I chopped them off again). See yaaaaaaaaaa!
college life,
english post,
magic hour,
national mother's day
December 15, 2012
Masih Bimbang
Hari Kamis ikutan seminar di @america, membahas seperti yang bisa dilihat di foto di atas. Seru karena pembicaranya adalah Patsy Widakuswara. Yang suka nonton tayangan VOA di Metro TV (atau stasiun TV lainnya) mungkin tahu. Selain kampus gue ada juga rombongan dari kampus lain yang ternyata adalah mahasiswa semester... satu. Gue merasa tua. Ngomong-ngomong tua, keponakan gue nambah satu lagi! :D
This photo is so funny to me.
Nunggu lagi. Foto lagi. Dan Ternyata handphone dan kamera boleh dibawa. Bagus...
They played Foster The People's I Would Do Anything For You as we wait, that's why I'm making this face.
Seminarnya sendiri singkat banget. But it was fun. Dan gue jadi mempertimbangkan lagi mengenai pilihan dan juga masa depan (beuh). Mbak Patsy ini lulusan HI juga, tapi karena dia tertarik jadi jurnalis, dia ambil S2 yang berhubungan sama jurnalistik gitu deh, gue lupa tepatnya major yang dia ambil itu apa. Sebenarnya dulu gue pengen ambil jurnalisme tapi nggak boleh, jadi gue sempat mikir lagi sih. Masih ada kesempatan untuk itu. Well, kalau mau usaha pasti ada kesempatan sih. Tapi... gue juga sudah mulai mengenali passion gue yang lain. Jadi intinya gue masih tetap bimbang. *le sigh
Lanjut. Di pintu masuk mall satpam yang berjaga ditemani anjing rottweiler yang gahar banget itu. Di rumah gue punya boneka anjing jenis ini tapi versi puppy nya. Jadinya begitu liat gue terpesona gitu. Lucu banget. Sempat pengen foto tapi berhubung udah mau masuk akhirnya nggak jadi. Ternyata begitu seminar selesai dan kita balik ke tempat semula untuk nunggu bus lagi, seorang satpam lagi keliling, entah orang yang sama atau bukan. Ya udah, gue tanya boleh difoto apa enggak. Dia bilang kalau foto bareng sama anjingnya sih nggak boleh, mungkin takut kenapa-kenapa kali ya, tapi kalau foto anjingnya aja ya silakan. Gue sempat nanya namanya, tapi sekarang gue udah lupa lagi deh siapa namanya. Nama anjingnya ya, bukan nama satpamnya......
Sementara hari ini gue nggak kuliah karena ada demo di depan DPR dan juga karena dosennya emang nggak masuk. Untungnya gue belum berangkat gara-gara kesiangan. Gue capek banget soalnya kemaren abis jadi kuli angkut. Udah sih, tapi berhubung busnya belum lewat dan gue udah dikasih kabar sama teman, ya gue pulang lagi aja. Kasihan banget teman-teman yang sudah sampai kampus dengan susah payah menerjang kemacetan (!) dan dapat kabar kalau dosennya absen.
And so I'm leaving you with my personal favorite photo of the day. Photo in a photo.
college life,
day out,
December 11, 2012
Warning: post ini memuat cukup banyak self-portrait.
Yep, gue lagi suka Ellie Goulding. Sebenarnya udah lama dengar namanya tapi baru-baru ini aja mulai dengerin lagu-lagunya. Tentunya gue suka hits single-nya yang Lights. Gue juga suka yang judulnya Your Song yang jadi bonus track di album Bright Lights nya. Selain suaranya, gayanya juga oke, men.
Anyway, bulan Desember memang sudah masuk musim penghujan. Biarpun nggak hujan, biasanya jam 4 sore udah gelap. Tapi suatu hari Rabu, cuaca cerah banget dan kebetulan gue pulang lebih cepat dari biasanya. Gue nggak menyia-nyiakan kesempatan. Gue langsung mandi, biar wajah yang kucel akibat polusi dan kuliah agak fresh gitu haha, terus ambil kamera dan foto-foto, memanfaatkan golden hour sore itu. Pokoknya bereksperimen, jepret sana-sini... gue perlu lebih banyak bereksperimen dengan mode manual nih. Sekali gue coba, hasilnya nggak seperti yang gue inginkan, jadi gue pindah ke mode lainnya. Sore itu bagus banget deh cahayanya. Gue foto-foto sampai hampir satu jam. Setelah jam lima lewat, cahayanya udah nggak memungkinkan lagi (dan lagi gue nggak begitu suka pakai flash), tapi masih lumayan terang juga dibanding hari biasanya. Kapan-kapan pengen banget foto-foto di alam terbuka pas golden hour. Siapa yang mau gue foto? Ngantri ya... hahaha
Oh iya, ngomong-ngomong musik gue lagi seneng banget karena beberapa band favorit gue masuk nominasi Grammy. Acaranya sendiri baru digelar 10 Februari mendatang, tapi daftar nominasinya udah diumumkan minggu lalu. Bisa nggak kalian membayangkan perasaan gue; gue lagi menggandrungi banget band-band ini terus tau-tau mereka dapat nominasi Grammy gitu. Beuh seneng banget deh, padahal nggak ada ngaruhnya juga gitu kan buat hidup gue... anyway... Band-band tersebut adalah Mumford and Sons, Coldplay, fun., The Black Keys, dan... TEGAN AND SARA!!! Ya, kalau kalian mengenal gue dengan baik (bah), pasti kalian tahu kalau gue belakangan ini sedang sangat terobsesi dengan Tegan and Sara. Sekarang bayangin lagi deh... mereka bakal rilis album baru di akhir Januari nanti, sudah mulai wara-wiri manggung bareng The Killers dan beberapa musisi lain sebelum nanti tur keliling dunia buat promo album, baru aja rilis video klip dimana Tegan-nya cakep sekali di video itu dan... dapet nominasi Grammy. Gue rasa gue dapat semacam serangan jantung ringan waktu denger kabarnya. Gue lagi asik browsing Tumblr terus ada berita bahwa mereka dapat nominasi Grammy.
Mereka dapat nominasi untuk kategori Best Long Form Music Video untuk Get Along. Apalah itu. Gue agak nggak ngerti sama kategori-kategori di Grammy. Nah, Get Along sendiri adalah dokumenter waktu mereka ke India dan tur album... di satu bagian mereka memang tampil akustik membawakan 15 track, mulai dari album terbaru sampai beberapa album terdahulu. Masalahnya adalah... MUMFORD AND SONS JUGA ADA DI KATEGORI YANG SAMA. Ahem, maaf, terbawa suasana. Gue agak berharap bahwa Mumford and Sons menang di kategori yang lain, tapi tidak untuk kategori yang ini, tapi gue bisa apa... Jadi, kita lihat saja bagaimana hasilnya. Mereka dapat nominasi aja gue udah seneng banget. :')
Selain yang udah gue sebutkan di atas, ada juga beberapa musisi/band yang gue suka yang juga dapat nominasi kayak Florence + the Machine, Foster the People, Muse, Katy Perry..... banyak deh. Kemudian, setelah gue rasa gue sudah cukup overdosis dengan segala macam kesukacitaan, ada satu kabar lagi dari band favorit gue yang lain yaitu Paramore. Mereka merlis kabar di situs mereka yang langsung menyebar di Internet, bahwa album keempat mereka bakalan self-titled dan dirilis pada 9 April 2013. What?! Itu kan ultahnya Kristen Stewart!! Kalau excitement gue dianalogikan dengan Oreo, maka akan jadi Oreo peanut butter and chocolate cream yang double double stuf. Hahaha... sayang nggak ada varian yang kayak gitu :p
Be back soon! :)
December 6, 2012
Book Fair & Affairs
Currently listening to: Muse - Madness
Oh hey, I'm back. Alright. I've got some photos left, they're also from about two weeks ago. I went to the book fair with the girls, it's been like our regular schedule for every few months whenever the book fair was held at a venue nearby our campus. This time I wasn't sure sure what books I want to get (novels, usually) and I was also trying to save up. So as predicted, I end up with two copies of old National Geographic magazine to bring home.
I simply just pick up some with issues that interest me and pay, though there are indeed a lot of options. Back at home, I look closer and found out that one of them is older than myself! On February 1989 my parent were not even married yet.
I think unless you're looking for the latest information about these things, these old magazines are still useful because the knowledge is still there and you just have to read on. Plus, what I like most about this magazine is the b-e-a-utiful photos! I'm thinking about making a collage from these photos after I'm done reading them. Hmm...
Beautiful disaster.
This oldie has a raggy brown envelope with a map of Yellowstone National Park inside of it. It was such a treasure for me. It might not be useful because I won't be there anytime soon and not to mention I'm gonna need a newer version of the map. But still... a map! Of world's first national park! Hopefully I'll be there someday.
My camera's predecessors? Haha
And after reading the other one, I have more respect for the emperor penguins. Not just cute, but they're also really really tough. Now take a closer look at the bottom right corner here...
I've been watching movies on DVDs and somehow I'm avoiding 'heavy' movies. I'm usually also into that kind of movie. But lately I really just want to watch silly romantic comedies and animations. Animations always have special place in my heart. It just makes my heart... warm. You know? Watching those animated characters trying to get their dreams and prove themselves to those doubting them. Maybe I see myself in those characters. They lift up my mood and make me feel more optimistic. Which is good. Which is why I need more of good animation movies in my life. Ahem, Pixar, Dreamworks, and basically any other animation movie studios... you heard me?
Sometimes I get inspired after watching a movie and so I doodle about it with my low drawing capability. I finally watched ParaNorman. A blogger I follow on Tumblr makes me really curious about it since she started to collect all things ParaNorman after she watched it. And I have to say that I love this movie, too! It's funny, sad at some part, and sweet. I tried to doodle Aggie because I really like that quote of her. Well, she's a lot cooler in the movie so you have to see it yourself. Haha. As you probably know already, I have such fondness on some things some people may find creepy like skulls and graves. But they even get cuter that they're animated so this movie is kind of like... my thing.
Then I watched Brave. I've been anticipating this movie. I mean, it's from Pixar! The animation is really wonderful and the characters are fascinating. And not to mention the animated landscape of Scotland which is equally breath-taking. So you may want to kiss your mother after you see this movie..... I paint using acrylics on paper for the first time here. I usually just leave my doodle black and white. I think I should paint more, it's nice to see and play with a lot of colors.
And last Monday I watched Rise of the Guardians. I love it! The characters... the animations... the cast... it's just so good. So as usual, I like the villain as much as I like the heroes. Pitch reminds me to Loki so much. And I like how he sometimes act so dramatic. And I watched it in 3D so it was just so good! There I said it again. I saw the movie alone, something I usually do but haven't done again in a while, get some donuts because I'm craving it, and then back to reality, finishing an essay and another assignment.
Last night I had a really long silly conversations on Skype with the girls. I think we agree that me and one of my friends have a sick obsession to our favorite musician, but no, they're not the same person. Isn't it crazy how you can love some actor or musician so much? I mean, it's just so devastating for me to have this huge admiration for her, my idol, but she probably doesn't even know that I'm exist in this world. So, Tegan if you read this....
In other news, today's been balance. Met some annoying people on the way to and back from campus. But it's been pretty fun at the campus today. Especially because we only watched a movie in the morning class, the following class was dismissed, and so I sneak to an earlier class rather than wait for my regular schedule for that class at 2.30 PM. But I ended up discussing Breaking Dawn: Part Two with my seat's neighbor. What even....... Alright, it's late here so I guess I'll see you later, mate! Have a nice midweek! Whatever!
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