October 26, 2013

What's Up, October

moontober Guess who survived nearly a month without Internet access at home? Yep, you guessed right. ME. And I wasn't happy about it. One day the modem just died and it took that long for the technician to come and turn out the problem wasn't even that serious. But hey, whatever. I'm back. I have quite a lot of photos to share, that right now I don't even know which one I should post first. But I'm glad it's October. People are excited for sweater weather and even though we only have two seasons here, I feel like I can relate to them. But maybe for us it's more like raincoat & umbrella weather. And oh, Halloween! Yeah, we don't celebrate that either but I like it everything about it!

Here's a little playlist. I haven't been listening to anything new recently but hopefully these few songs will send a little chill down your spine.....

october 2013 by Diah on Grooveshark


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