July 31, 2013

Bulan puasa jadi sering ngumpul bareng teman dalam beragam acara buka puasa bersama. Sempat buka bersama bareng teman SD dan SMP (kalau yang ini sih emang tiap tahun dan emang sering kumpul bareng juga). Bukber teman SMP sekaligus kasih sedikit surprise buat Dini, walaupun akhirnya malah kita yang ngerasa 'dikerjain' sama dia karena dibuat menunggu.

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Kalau yang ini waktu nonton pentas Teater Katak yang berjudul Perkawinan di Pusat Kebudayaan dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Rusia di daerah Menteng. Lupa terus mau post. Ceritanya sih datang untuk support si Eky. Dia bilang cuma bantu-bantu aja di produksi kali ini. Nggak percaya. Dan memang bohong banget. Walaupun sebagai supporting actor, tetap aja eksis banget. Hahaha.
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Eky on action.
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Masih sedih karena hilang kontak dengan beberapa teman. Kenapa dia yang tadinya mewanti-wanti untuk terus menjaga komunikasi apapun yang terjadi, malah jadi orang yang lebih dulu menghilang? Hmm. Ya sudahlah, nggak usah sedih. Nonton film lagi aja deh. 
PSHappy birthday J.K. Rowling aaaand Harry Potter!

July 26, 2013

Some Tunes

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first photo: images from google, edit by me. second photo by me.

Due to my forgetful mind, I skipped last month's tunes yet again. This was intended to be posted on Thursday but I skip it, too. Oh well. So from now on, let's just call it some tunes so I can post it on any day. Lately I've been listening to slow songs. I miss my friends who I've lost contact with. I have horrible dream about someone I care so much. Sometimes when you're feeling blue, you got to play some cheerful music and dance to it. But sometimes you just got to find some slow songs to suit up your mood because it's easier. Well, that's what I’m feeling right now.

However, I really enjoy making these edits! I'm not sure I can do this for every tunes though. Just so you know, it took me quite some time to decide on which font I’m going to use. Haha. That's a serious problem in my world. Something about some of these songs...
Ridin' In My Car is not the latest from She & Him. But it always make me smile and then grin with the irony in my head. Check their latest album, Volume Three, which came out this May. But I don’t think I've grown to like it as much as I love Volume 1 and Volume 2. Maybe not yet. Soldier On is the song that make me fall for The Temper Trap. Funny because it's also the song that kind of unite them with their producer for the album. Caring Is Creepy is one of the first songs of The Shins I listened to. It's still and always will be my favorite song by them. Listening to this one in the middle of the night with a chaotic mind feels so soothing. At least for me. And as for the last song... I don't listen to this kind of music much. But hey, I'm trying to listen to as much as I can. And Sia sang on this one. Plusssss, I love the music video with the wolves in them!
Will be back soon possibly with a mess of photos. I was wrong when I said I didn't have more photos on the last post. I do have more, it's just they were not yet edited. In the meantime... here are some tunes.
july 2013 by Diah on Grooveshark

July 14, 2013

Family Edition

IMG_9462-july IMG_9182 bro-sist IMG_9452 IMG_9259 IMG_9463 I have a lot of cousins. Both from my mother and father's side. Some of them already got married and have kids. So, automatically, I am their aunt now. Thankfully none of them call me 'aunt'. I love you, kiddos, but don't call me 'aunt'. Not yet. Took these photos when we visit my cousin. She used to live next door, but they moved to their own place years ago. They only had a son back then. Now he has a little sister and I adore how she wasn't even shy at all to the camera. I just have to point my focus on her and she would strike a pose for me! I'm happy about it. Haha. So here is somewhat a photo mess: family edition. It would fit if you listen to Cousins by Vampire Weekend. :D
  IMG_9336cousins IMG_9409 baby A IMG_9327 IMG_93241. Front camera
2. Some of the boys
3. "Ewwwww WORRRRRMMM!" (but they kept observing)
4. Those cheeks tho... yumm
5. Matching pink
6. Love her eyelashes

And there are some other things I captured around their place. My cousin has pots and pots of plants. I remember when they moved out, those plants were one of the main concern. They have a little space here and there for them here.
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Did you see this flower on the previous pic?

It's July where it's supposed to be really hot here, but the weather have been a rain-wind-thunder combination. Apparently, a typhoon is hitting east Asia right now, China and Taiwan have been the most affected countries. So I really shouldn't complain about some more rain and can only daydream about a more cheerful weather. Hopefully things will get better for the victims. And for my Mom! She's battling flu on this first week of Ramadhan. See you soon.

July 9, 2013

And I'll Believe in Grace and Choice

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Hi. The holy month of Ramadhan is right in front of us and I really hope I can pass it much better this year. It will be equally challenging and fun. Wish me luck! I kind of want to change my blog's theme but it usually took me forever to decide on which theme I want to use and not to mention that I have to adjust it again... ugh. So probably in the end it's not gonna happen. Haha. I watched Despicable Me 2 last week. It's hilarious. I was laughing a lot that my jaw hurts after the movie was over. Damn minions. I saw my friend performed with his theater club, I hung out some other friends. It's funny how last week seems a bit busy and yet full of laughter while this week is just stressful because my mother is on day off from school and of course there's no other time for her to turn the 'cleaning up the whole house' mode on. She just won't stop. It's crazy. So maybe I'll be back with a mess of photos, hopefully soon.

Meanwhile, have you checked Mumford & Sons's music video for Babel? It's from their Grammy-winning album with the same title. Have a nice week, folks.

July 2, 2013


Follow my blog with Bloglovin!


Hi. Just done editing a bunch of photos of my family from Sunday. You know, just stopping by to ask you to follow me on Bloglovin' because Google Reading is shutting down soon. Good thing I made an account there but been neglected it for months and now I find it to be really useful. So. Follow me! :D
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