January 3, 2013


It's my birthday

It's my birthday. I'm actually not that excited about it. Birthday to me have always sound like 'more responsibilities' and I fully realized that but clearly I'm not a fan. I gained one more year of age but I refused to grow up. I'm anticipating the future and where's life gonna take me, but in the same time it's also scary as fuck. But let's face it. We never know until we try.

And with the changing year, I really don't have specific resolutions. I just want to finish my study and get my degree, stay positive, take more pictures, write some more and finish some stories I started, and procrastinate less. Also, I'm getting over someone. Your time here is up and this year is about getting over you. Thanks for all the beautiful memories and thanks for wasting my feelings. :)

It's my birthday today and it's just a normal day except that I got messages from my beloved friends, wishing me good things. The weather is really nice today. It drizzled a bit in the noon but then the sun is back and I spend time outside enjoying the golden hour.
So... 21 is like a really cool number. I hope I can get through well of everything that's coming my way this year. Let's do this!


Kati said...

Happy belated Birthday!

Have a great weekend,

Di said...

thank you, Kati.

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