January 29, 2013

Latest Experiments

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1. Infinite.
2. Some failed attempts to burn my thumb.
3. Fiery love.
4. Smiley.
5. Different pose, different edit.
6. A new tiny brush. 

Eight years ago this very day was literally the worst day of my life. I felt like the world collapsed upon me and I could never stand straight again. But who knew that years later it would be a good day like this. I can't talk about it without tears streaming down my face. I'll talk about it someday, but not now.

Anyway. Two days ago I met a cute little cat while I was on my way home after grabbed some foods with Mama. The cat was wandering around the gate of a house so we assumed it must have belong to someone in there. We called for anyone to take it back in and a guy came out. It was theirs, indeed and its name is Monic. And yesterday I was creepin' on this cat. I can't wait for February 8. And I'm also thinking about putting a feature for this blog. Have a nice day, everyone.

PS: I changed my header! Wohooo! What do you think?
cat-creepin'-4 cat creepin' 1 cat creepin' 2 cat creepin' 3 kitty

January 28, 2013


Been listening to: Tegan and Sara - I Was A Fool (the album is coming out tomorrow!!!!!)

Lama juga nih nggak nge-blog. Minggu lalu internet di rumah sempat ngadat. Gue sudah mengeluarkan kemampuan gue sebagai kembarannya Lisbeth Salander untuk ngotak-ngatik sebelum akhirnya minta bantuan. Gue udah ngeri aja kalau modemnya rusak karena sebelumnya pernah rusak kesamber petir. Jeng jeng... Ternyata masalahnya dari sambungan kabel teleponnya. Sekarang sudah benar dan hari gue menjadi ceria lagi :D
Album Tegan and Sara bakal rilis besok, tapi kalau di Indonesia sepertinya harus nunggu waktu rilis Australia deh, tanggal 8 Februari. Hah diskriminasi! Tapi minggu lalu (waktu internet gue down!) mereka streaming semua lagu di album itu di beberapa web. Agak *sedikit* kecewa sih, soalnya jadi nggak surprise lagi. Tapi gimana yah, sudah terlanjur cinta akunya..... ♡.

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Dapat beberapa kado dari teman. Yang paling niat banget bikin ucapannya sih si Stephanie alias Nteph. Kalau ada yang penasaran bisa lihat fotonya waktu dia ulang tahun di postingan gue yang ini. Tapi sebaiknya mungkin nggak usah. Dia tahu gue cinta banget sama Kristen Stewart (yah seluruh dunia juga tahu sih) dan dia hobi banget ngaku-ngaku sebagai KStew. Lebih nyebelinnya lagi, dia manggil gue Robert Pattinson. Sampai ngasih kartu ucapan pun, nama gue jadi Robert Pattinson. Hebat. Dapet 3D puzzle juga, yang baru gue susun waktu udah mulai liburan.

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Gue ditoyor gara-gara pose gue nggak kompak dan 'paling bagus sendiri' di foto yang pertama. Lah abisnya nggak bilang-bilang! Hahaha... ulang tahun Indah, Lily, dan gue berdekatan. Jadi begitu masuk kuliah setelah libur akhir tahun, kita bertiga ditodong traktiran sama ketiga bandit lainnya ini. Akhirnya Indah traktir makan, terus minggu berikutnya gantian gue dan Lily yang merogoh kocek *halah* untuk traktir karaoke. Mantap banget nih makan pasta bareng-bareng. Gue salah ngomong waktu pesan makanannya. Di pikiran gue, pasta yang gue mau itu yang fusilli. Entah kenapa pas mas-masnya dateng dan nanya pesanan, gue bilang fettucini. Cerdas banget kan. Tapi tetep enak karena banyak kejunya. :d

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I'm sexy and I know it
Ini goblok banget, sumpah. Sebelum karaoke dan sambil nunggu yang lain, gue tergoda untuk foto di sini--apa sih ini namanya? Yang dari triplek dan bolong di bagian mukanya itulah, pokoknya. Tadinya gue pengen jadi yang cowoknya tapi ternyata nggak nyampe. Akhirnya Indah yang lebih tinggi yang mengambil posisi itu dan gue jadi yang cewek deh. Begitu foto diambil, Lily langsung ketawa-ketawa jijay gitu ngeliat hasil fotonya. Dan alamak, gue shock banget liat hasilnya. Apalagi pas dibilang, 'Pas banget nih! Bagus, men!' Bagus apanyaaaaa... Tapi ya sudahlah lah ya, mumpung masih muda... hehe. Kemaren baru aja gue tunjukin ke Mama dan dia sukses ketawa geli. 

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IMG_5302 eeeaaaaaa
Tangan gue gatel untuk menambahkan teks kayak di atas... hahaha. Oh iya, selama karaoke, si Tiwi ini biangnya galau banget. Lagu-lagunya kalau enggak Kerispatih, ya lagu-lagu lawas yang mellow. Tapi suaranya bagus loh. Ihiy. Ada satu lagu dimana dia nyanyi bareng Ika (alias Tika alias bandar). Dan gue langsung nyemangatin mereka macam anak alay di acara musik, "T2! T2! Tika Tiwi!! Auuww!" Nampaknya gue terlalu bersemangat. 

Hari terakhir UAS gue ketemu orang-orang ngeselin di bus waktu berangkat dan pulang. Mungkin itu mengapa gue secara tidak sadar memesan Lemon Yogurt Smoothie ini setelah berburu beberapa film. Cerdasnya lagi, seharian itu gue baru makan roti. Pas diminum sih asik-asik aja dan seger banget. Beberapa jam kemudian perut gue ngambek, tapi nggak parah. 

Salah satu orang ngeselin yang gue temui di bus itu adalah seorang pria yang parfumnya sungguh aduhai. Sebelumnya gue juga sering ketemu orang yang parfumnya lebay kayak gitu di angkutan umum, tapi yang kemaren itu lebaynya kuadrat, men. Begitu gue duduk di sebelahnya, karena kursi lain udah penuh, aroma semerbaknya langsung menyerang hidung gue sampai gue mengernyit. Gue pikir mungkin di tengah perjalanan, aromanya akan sedikit berkurang. Salah! Sama sekali enggak! Sampai dia turun gue harus tersiksa. Mau nyalain AC, letak AC nya nggak pas dan kalau dibuka full, yang ada kepala gue yang kena dingin, bisa-bisa pusing. Akhirnya begitu dia turun gue buka tuh AC dan gue megap-megap di bawahnya. Oke, nggak segitunya sih, tapi gue berusaha menikmati udara bersih yang ada sepeninggalan si parfum lebay. Maksudnya apa sih orang pake parfum segitunya? Mau membunuh satu koloni tawon? Silakan, tapi naik mobil sendiri aja sana. Edan. Ada yang pernah mengalami kejadian serupa?


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Minggu lalu gue dan Lily pergi berenang. Cuaca bulan ini emang lagi nggak menentu banget ya. Paginya cerah dan begitu gue mau berangkat, hujan. Pertamanya sih hujannya biasa aja, tapi lama-lama langsung deras banget. Udah gitu kolam renang pertama yang dituju ternyata tutup, sodara-sodara. Gue lihat pengumuman yang terpampang dan ternyata mereka udah tutup sejak bulan November. Pantesan aja perasaan gue nggak enak pas mau berangkat. Mau telepon dulu, nggak punya nomornya. Padahal gue suka berenang di situ karena dekat dari rumah dan tempatnya juga bersih. Sayang sekali. Gue nunggu Lily yang udah terlanjur menuju lokasi macam anak ilang. Akhirnya gue bolak-balik aja sambil foto lapangan bola dan lapangan basket yang kosong melompong.

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Akhirnya berenang di lokasi kedua. Lumayan enak juga tempatnya. Satu yang gue nggak suka, pegawainya banyak om-om gitu. Males banget kan -__-  Pulangnya di motor, kita kehujanan lagi, padahal tadi pas di parkiran gerimis doang. Pokoknya hari itu lumayan random dan melelahkan. Tapi enaknya berenang pas lagi ujan sih kulit jadi nggak terlalu terbakar dan belang. Hehe. Begitu sampai rumah sekitar jam setengah enam sore, bulan sudah terlihat. Biarpun capek gue tetep aja begadang tapi begitu tidur udah kayak orang pingsan nggak sadar-sadar. Hahaha...

Waduh, ini tadinya niat mau bikin postingan yang nggak terlalu panjang. Tapi begitu liat foto-foto yang mau di share, jadi inget beberapa cerita juga deh. Oke, lanjut besok lagi nge-blognya...! :D


January 3, 2013


It's my birthday

It's my birthday. I'm actually not that excited about it. Birthday to me have always sound like 'more responsibilities' and I fully realized that but clearly I'm not a fan. I gained one more year of age but I refused to grow up. I'm anticipating the future and where's life gonna take me, but in the same time it's also scary as fuck. But let's face it. We never know until we try.

And with the changing year, I really don't have specific resolutions. I just want to finish my study and get my degree, stay positive, take more pictures, write some more and finish some stories I started, and procrastinate less. Also, I'm getting over someone. Your time here is up and this year is about getting over you. Thanks for all the beautiful memories and thanks for wasting my feelings. :)

It's my birthday today and it's just a normal day except that I got messages from my beloved friends, wishing me good things. The weather is really nice today. It drizzled a bit in the noon but then the sun is back and I spend time outside enjoying the golden hour.
So... 21 is like a really cool number. I hope I can get through well of everything that's coming my way this year. Let's do this!

January 1, 2013

2012 in Photos

Hi, everyone. Wow, time flies. Feels like 2012 was just yesterday! Hahaha yeah, literally. I feel like I'm a visual person and so I'm obligated to do this such post. So if you're too lazy to read my archive (which is understandable), you can just read this whole post because I'm going to review what happened last year. But I'm not listing them per months because... well, I can't quite remember things unless those that are really interesting for me. That's why I'm keeping a journal, Instagram (as a little photo journal) and a blog, right? Right. So here are some highlights!

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Obviously the flora and fauna exhibition was one of the highlights of the year. I really like some pictures I took from that event and I saw a lot of beautiful animals and fell in love with a Husky. It's an unrequited love. Oh well...

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I went to the school where my mother teach, taking photos of the graduation and a little show the students put there and also for Idul Adha. Such fun and busy time.

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Earlier this year, I went to Bandung with my mother, aunt, uncle, and cousins where I met my nephew and nieces. Then we also went to Trans Studio, an indoor themed park. It was awesome. I just wished we could stay a bit longer and my mother would let me have my camera the whole time. On another time, we also visited my other cousin and met my other niece and nephew. They are cute and they make me feel old.

My uncle got me a dry-box as a birthday present and I've been keeping my camera in there. This year also marked a year I had with my beloved camera. Then at the end of May, I got a new Android phone because I refused to use a BlackBerry even though my mother suggested me to do so for more than ten times (she ends up using one after I courage her because I know she's the one wanting it--duh)

I got really inspired by Charlavail. She's amazing, cute, talented, and just inspiring. One day I bought some clays when visiting a bookstore with the girls and made some sugar skull hair pin and painted them with acrylic paints. I already got two mold and who knows I'm gonna make some more. I also had a lot of self-portraits (oops) and also a couple of photo shoot with Lily.

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One Ramadhan night I had Iftar with my best friends and met our teacher--she was on the next table with her family. I took a lot of photos of my college friends during this fun seminar and generally, I took a lot of photos of my friends... hehe. Also, I shot two of my friends' birthday. How exciting. I should sneak out my camera some more. Hopefully my mother don't read this.

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I still take photos of the things I eat. And I once experimented with pancakes. Did you see that peace sign pancake? Yeah, I should do it again.

In 2012 I learned a bit more about my camera and also Photoshop. I figured out how to make animated gif on Photoshop and I've been making a lot of them lately but posted them on Tumblr. I got these gif set of The Dark Knight Rises cast that got more than 700 notes, a gif set of Marcus Mumford with over 400 notes and still counting... it's crayzeh. And also very exciting. That's why I'm stuck on Tumblr. But not just because they like my edits. It's because these awesome people on Tumblr. And no, I'm not giving you my URL. HAHAHA.

In 2012, I fell in love got obsessed with Tegan and Sara. And now it's less than a month until their new album is going to be released. Okay, I'm trying not to freak out here. This has been a wonderful year of music and movies, too! Some of the albums that were released and I listened to a lot in 2012 are Torches by Foster The PeopleBabel by Mumford and Sons (still digging Hopeless Wanderer and Lover of the Light), Barton Hollow by The Civil Wars, Port of Morrow by The Shins,  Lana Del Rey's Born To Die  (the Paradise edition too!), Battle Born by The Killers, aaaaaand... Frankenweenie Unleashed! (Soundtrack) by Various Artist.

In 2012, The Twilight Saga ends but I'm still sooo gonna be seeing my girl on the silver screen. I heard she's Hollywood's highest paid actress, eh? Hehehe. Oh, The Dark Knight trilogy also ends... :( But it ended so beautifully. James Bond franchise is 50 years old and Skyfall is definitely my favorite. I'm also really loving 2012's animated movies. And the last movie I watched in 2012 is probably... The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Looking forward for the movies in 2013!

So another year has passed. I hope 2013 will be kind to me as I'll be on my last semester of college soon and am getting ready for the real world, I hope I will be able to go to more places, with my camera, so I can capture more moments. Amen. Let's start working on our dreams. Let's moving on.


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Yesterday me and Mama went to this fish market, got some fresh fishes and prawns. Basically we intended to grill it traditionally, with wood charcoals and stuff. We were using coconut shells because they say it heat up quickly and the heat stays longer. We didn't know there'll be lots of smoke that it hurts to just open your eyes..... We moved all the half-cook dish to the kitchen and use a double-pan instead. As we discussed it later, we agreed that we should have use those coconut shells with wood charcoals in the same time and maybe there won't be too much smokes... That's really smoke inside of my home on the picture above.

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After the clock struck twelve, our house was surrounded by fireworks. They're not that gigantic, but still pretty. I tried to capture them in photos, but these two photos are probably the only ones I got in which you can clearly see the fireworks. I'm loving the smoke on this photos. I gave up and captured them in videos instead so I can make some gifs from them.

Happy new year and hope everyone have a good time. Here, take a look at this little firework.

Read the Printed Word!