July 25, 2011

Last Saturday Night


A week ago my uncle visited us with his wife and daughter. He wanted to clean up my laptop. I was a bit unease. I'm not a computer smarty and usually when people who's more expert than me examine my computer, they'll be questioning a hell lot of things that I mostly don't understand and then I'll feel stupid. And they'd say I did a lot of mistakes, that I should not be having this or that programme, etcetera, etcetera, and that make me feel as if I'm being judged.
He asked me to log in to my computer, ask me some things, not even touching it when it's on, and asked me to shut it down. He asked me how old is my laptop and I'm sure I've had Severus for almost two years. So he meant that he was going to clean my laptop up, literally.
He laughed at me, saying it looked like I was afraid that something bad will happen to my laptop. Well, I am. But instead of afraid that he can't put the parts together again, I was more like afraid that he'd scratch him with the screwdriver or something... So inside my head I was like, "Whoa! Be gentle with him!" It was kinda thrilling, but it's some levels better than being 'judged'. :)

Last Saturday, I went ice skating for the first time with my cousin. It was also her first time. It was... painful. But nice. But cold. And painful. Haha. So yeah, I was telling myself that in two hour at least I have to be able to take control of those damn shoes and move a bit. Practice makes perfect, right? So, I tried to skate round the rink. I fell down embarrassingly when I was right in the middle of the rink, cursed the ice floor, get up, and try again. Repeat the process. But I didn't even bother to be ashamed for falling in the middle of the rink and making my jeans wet; all I know that I was trying.
We were taught by a little girl, younger than both of us, whose name is similar to my other cousin. 

We haven't really spend the two hour of our turns, but we were so tired and decided we have it enough. That was a wonderful experience. However, my body still hurts, there's a little cut on my right hand and bruises on my arms. Next time I'm going ice skating again, I'm gonna have a pillow glued to my butt. HA!


We went back to an uncle's house where the family was gathering, felt so worn out. All the ones that were coming was there already. While the adults have serious conversation in the living room, we make ourselves comfortable at our cousin's bedroom. They were about to play Insidious. So there we go, turned the light off, enjoyed each other's company. But watching horror movie with them isn't that scary. First, because one of them that downloaded it is very talkative and he'd happily tell us the storyline. We told him not to tell, but still... 'Watch out, this next scene will be pretty scary!' And not to mention how we love to make jokes about the movie. Like, when the mother check out the wardrobe, one of us we'd be like, 'Here comes Sulley from Monster, Inc.... Boo!'

I thought it was enough for the day. But then we went to this mall to spend even more time together. While waiting for the others, we were sitting at this park inside the mall, where there were a lot of teenagers. The closest ones from us were hip-hop dancing, brought their own music and teach each other some moves.

So that was my last Saturday night. Wasn't fancy at all but for me, to be around almost the whole family felt like Idul Fitri is coming a month earlier... :)

July 20, 2011

Liburan Resmi Dimulai.


Akhirnya satu tugas yang tersisa saat liburan itu selesai juga minggu lalu. Ini baru liburan.
Di hari terakhir UAS, gue dan teman-teman ke book fair di Senayan. Dan akhirnya mendapatkan The Phantom of the Opera dan sebuah edisi lama majalah National Geographic. Ada banyak pilihan, tapi gue pilih edisi yang itu karena ada pembahasan tentang Nazca lines. Novelnya baru selesai dibaca setengahnya, tapi gue suka.


Waktu konsultasi tugas untuk terakhir kalinya, gue mampir dulu ke Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Exhibition di mall deket kampus. Udah pengen kesana sejak pertama kali lihat spanduknya, tapi kayaknya nggak asik banget lihat-lihat pameran sementara ujian masih menghantui. Ada tiga robot yang bertransformasi dari mobil-mobil keluaran Chevrolet disana. Tentunya, termasuk Bumblebee.

Gue nggak terlalu suka warna kuning, tapi Chevrolet Camaro yang kuning menyala ini cantik sekaliiiii....


Waktu gue udah mau pergi, ada ibu-ibu yang rame, minta tolong sama seorang mas-mas yang jaga pameran untuk memfoto mereka. Dan mereka pun berpose di depan Silver Shield. Oke deh.



July 11, 2011

Flona 2011


Akhir Juni kemarin waktu Mama libur sekolah dia ribet banget ngajak gue kesana-kemari sementara gue sendiri masih ribet dengan tugas yang sungguh menyiksa jiwa dan raga. *halah*
Tapi gue cukup bersemangat waktu dia ngajak ke pameran flora dan fauna yang setiap tahun digelar di Lapangan Banteng, dekat Monumen Nasional. Maka, hitung-hitung mencari inspirasi sejenak, gue setuju untuk ikut karena kebetulan juga gue pengen banget punya tanaman kaktus mini. Kaktusnya lucu-lucu banget, sampai-sampai kebanyakan memfoto kaktus daripada yang lainnya.


Dan ternyata keren banget pamerannya. Selama muter-muter di area pameran, gue mikir 'Kalau gue punya rumah sendiri, gue harus punya backyard untuk tanam ini-itu-ini-itu' (termasuk bunga matahari). Sempat kaget waktu dengar percakapan antara seorang penjual dan calon pembeli tentang tanaman imut-imut yang dirangkai di jaring, nggak tahu namanya apa.
Jadi, tanaman itu ditaruh di semacam jaring dan nantinya ditaruh di tembok rumah. Lumayan bagus sih, walaupun sebenarnya bentuknya kayak rumput biasa. Tapi, harganya fantastis banget. Untuk dirangkai dalam jaring itu, kira-kira ada lebih dari lima puluh tanaman dan satu tanaman imut itu dijual Rp 50,000,- hahahahaha *ketawa garing*


Gue nggak sempet memfoto hewan-hewan selain kelinci ini. Sebenarnya kasihan juga, soalnya ada beberapa hewan yang masih kecil banget tapi udah siap dijual. Dan ah, seandainya gue boleh melihara ular...
Ada anak kecil yang disuruh ibunya berpose dengan kelinci-kelinci anggora. Gue ketawa ngeliatnya. Soalnya itu anak dan kelinci yang difoto rambutnya sama-sama keriting. :D


Capek juga keliling area pameran. Apalagi gue kesana waktu siang jadi panasnya berasa banget. Mungkin kalau kesananya sore-sore suasananya lebih syahdu (?), apalagi sambil minum teh.




Seandainya semua pohon mangga sependek ini...


Nah, kalau lihat tanaman yang ini, gue selalu merasa seperti ada di planet lain.


Akhirnya membawa pulang dua teman kecil ini. Kata penjualnya, kalau dirawat dengan baik bisa tumbuh sampai sepuluh kali lebih besar. Gue setengah berharap kalau mereka akan terus sekecil dan selucu ini.

Well, well...
UAS baru aja selesai. HOREEEEEEE!!!!!!!! *pasang petasan*
Tapi gue masih nggak sreg untuk mulai melaksanakan agenda liburan karena masih ada satu tugas kelompok yang tersisa. Ulangi: SATU TUGAS KELOMPOK YANG TERSISA. Sungguh menyiksa.
Kepikiran juga tentang film-film Hollywood yang belum juga masuk ke bioskop Indonesia. Oke, mungkin gue akan membahas lebih banyak tentang ini di postingan selanjutnya. Mungkin juga enggak.


Read the Printed Word!