Oh look! It's Friday 13th! I feel like making a new post but the thing is I haven't really got the will to organize and edit my photos. So anyway, these are a few from around the office and work life. We'll be moving to a new building next week and that makes me sad. Our current office has been our second home and since it's actually a house (like, a pretty huge 5 rooms house), so it's really homey.
Sometimes we climbed up to the roof and enjoy the afternoon sky. And while we were there, we just had to take a few selfies. It's mandatory. I'm just posting one so you won't be disturbed by our faces. You're welcome. Sometimes we cook something for dinner, usually on Friday night. The last time we were making meatballs. We bought instant meatballs that you just have to throw into the boiling hot water. But it's not that simple. We add lots of spices and also made dumplings for the side dish.
Then we changed clothes for our little Halloween costume party, on Friday, October 30th. Because we don't feel like throwing a costume party on Saturday, that's why. We've been telling the boys to prepare their costumes but they ignored us. But when we changed and put on make up, they got excited and wanted to have the fake bloods (it was lipstick) too. So yeah, we didn't really take it that seriously. But it was fun, nonetheless. I love these funny guys.
Hopefully the adaptation to the new place won't take too long. Tell you more about it later. See ya!
November 13, 2015
October 9, 2015
Nonton 'Hamlet'
Ceritanya lagi sempet bikin postingan baru karena kerjaan udah selesai. Sabtu, 26 September yang lalu saya nonton pementasan 'Hamlet' oleh Teater Katak di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Terpaksa sih, soalnya teman kami, Eky, main di pementasan itu sebagai Claudius. Hahaha enggak deng. Kami berdelapan pergi nonton dengan senang hati kok...
Berhubung nggak kesampaian nonton pementasan 'Hamlet' yang dibintangi Benedict Cumberbatch di Inggris sana, jadi nonton yang versi ini aja dulu. Sebelumnya saya sama sekali nggak tau ceritanya Hamlet itu gimana. Jadi lumayan dapat pencerahan. Hehe. Kalau di luar negeri mah kan cerita klasik kayak gini biasanya dijadiin tugas bacaan. Bagus juga tuh. Kalau di sini mah, film kartun aja malah disulih suara. Padahal kalau diterjemahin, ditambahin subtitle, menurut saya itu bisa melatih kecepatan membaca juga loh.
Anyway, pementasan 'Hamlet' ini keren yah. Suara para aktornya bagus-bagus (yaiyalaaah kalau enggak dimana bisa terpilih hahaha). Terus saya pikir perannya teman saya itu bakalan cuma muncul sebentar aja, ternyata ada sampai akhir. Perannya Horacio dan teman-temannya itu menarik dan selalu bikin ketawa sih. Dan saya naksir berat sama kostum yang dipakai Hamlet Senior yang udah jadi hantu. A la Game of Thrones gimanaaa gitu.
Pulangnya saya jadi pengin bikin lanjutan naskah drama. Dulu sempet bikin (dan pentas kecil-kecilan) parodi dari cerita Cinderella. Saya emang udah niat bikin lanjutannya dan ceritanya bakalan saya bikin lebih kelam. Tapi ya baru niat aja, belum lanjut nulis... HEHE. Lagian kalau selesai pun, nggak tau bisa dipentasin atau enggak... :(
Yah, begitulah. Sekali-sekali nonton pementasan teater itu memberi inspirasi dan juga menyegarkan. Sukses terus buat Teater Katak!
September 28, 2015
“Did I not let enough light in?”
Nggak terasa udah setahun lebih (dikit) kerja di Nyunyu. Kadang masih nggak percaya juga bisa menjadikan nulis sebagai profesi. Walaupun harus diakui, saya harus lebih banyak lagi latihan nulis. Selain kerjaan, kayaknya proyek nulis kayak cerpen dan lainnya malah terbengkalai. Termasuk blog ini. Oke, setiap kali saya mood buat ngeblog tapi nggak tau mau ngomongin apa, saya bakal bikin postingan Currently ini. Sebenernya ada lumayan banyak yang bisa diceritain melalui foto tapi fotonya masih ada di hape dan saya terlalu malas untuk mindahinnya. Hahahaha. -_-"
Last book I read: Winter People by Jennifer McMahon. Entah kenapa saya tertarik sama cerita-cerita yang ada hubungannya sama kematian, termasuk waktu saya baca blurb di bagian belakang buku ini. Dan ternyata emang seru ceritanya. Awalnya agak bingung karena ada lumayan banyak sudut pandang. Tapi lama-lama sudut pandang yang beda-beda itu yang bisa membantu pembaca menguak misterinya.
Last movie I watched: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials. Waktu filmnya rilis saya sama sekali nggak minat nonton. Begitu pun waktu akhirnya itu film diputar di TV kabel. Sampai akhirnya saya 'dipaksa' oleh rasa penasaran dan juga oleh seorang teman yang ngefans banget sama Dylan O'brien. Ternyata seru yah! Hahaha telat. Akhir cerita film pertama gantung banget. Dan akhirnya di minggu kedua pemutaran saya nonton deh sama seorang teman. Karakter favorit saya mungkin Newt. Soalnya dia yang paling saya kenal karena pernah main juga di Game of Thrones. Dan tidak, jangan ada yang berani komen soal masa depannya Newt. Jangan. Saya udah tahu.
Currently reading: Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan. Ada dua karater bernama Will Grayson yang jadi narator di tiap bab berbeda. Menarik sih. Kayaknya saya nggak pernah baca buku yang ditulis barengan kayak gini.
Nah berhubung saya nggak lagi punya project personal atau nonton serial TV apapun, kita ganti aja jadi...
Currently obsessed with: Oliver Sim! Lagi-lagi saya naksir sama anggota band indie. Dia ini bassist
Pertama karena emang cakep. Terus suaranya itu loh... Waktu nonton videonya pertama kali, saya sampai bengong, nggak yakin kalau suara yang saya dengar bener-bener keluar dari pita suaranya. Haha. Jadi begitulah awal mulanya saya jatuh cinta pada Oliver. ❤
Nggak enaknya ngefans sama musisi indie adalah kadang mereka nggak terlalu dikenal. Ibaratnya kalau belum ada laman Wikipedia khusus buat mereka, bisa dibilang mereka memang belum beken banget. Atau seenggaknya belum bikin sesuatu yang sensasional. Saya mah gitu, kalau lagi suka banget seorang musisi atau aktor, suka kepo sama kehidupan pribadinya. Tapi berhubung The xx ini tertutup banget, nggak banyak yang saya tahu soal kehidupan pribadinya selain dari apa yang ada di artikel-artikel. Waktu curcol soal betapa saya merasa bahwa Oliver itu misterius, temen saya bilang, "Lagian kenapa sih, harus sukanya sama yang indie-indie? Nggak yang mainstream aja?" Well, pertama, saya juga sebenernya nggak se-hipster itu. Kedua, ya gimana dooong namanya juga suka...
Makanya saya seneng banget waktu main dan jajan di Food Fighters, tiba-tiba terdengar sayup-sayup sebuah lagu yang kayaknya saya kenal. Setelah saya dengarkan dengan saksama, ternyata lagu Sunset milik The xx. Saya nggak pernah denger lagu mereka diputer di tempat umum semacam tempat makan kayak gitu. Dan kalau udah nggak punya malu, mungkin saat itu saya udah loncat-loncatan di sana. Hahaha...
Kalau kamu lagi suka band apa?
August 2, 2015
Idul Fitri 2015
Hai, semuanya. Berhubung ini postingan pertama setelah Idul
Fitri, saya mau sekalian minta maaf nih ya kalau ada kata-kata yang kurang
berkenan, candaan yang nggak lucu, atau informasi yang nggak tepat di blog saya
ini. Seperti biasa, setiap Lebaran saya ketemuan dengan keluarga orang tua yang
masing-masing berasal dari Bogor dan Jakarta. Tahun ini lumayan beda, karena
yang pertama kami kunjungi keluarga yang di Bogor lebih dulu.
Hei, everyone. Because this is
the first post after Idul Fitri, I’d like to apologize for less pleasant words,
not so funny jokes, or misinformations in this blog. As usual, every this time
of the year, I’ll meet up with family from both of my parents, each of them
from Bogor and Jakarta. This year’s a bit different, we visited the one at
Bogor first.
Senang banget bisa ketemu keponakan saya. Tahun lalu dia
masih bayi banget dan sekarang udah hampir setahun, aktif, dan bikin gemes.
Sorenya, akhirnya ketemu sepupu saya. Sejak mulai nonton dan suka Game of Thrones, kami baru ketemu lagi
jadi otomatis langsung ngomongin series dan teori-teorinya, sebelum dia harus
pulang. Sore itu juga kami udah punya rencana untuk makan siang di hari
berikutnya. Bahkan udah langsung mendaulat juru masaknya, yang tak lain adalah
bibi saya juga. Denger rencananya saya ikutan semangat.
I’m so happy to finally see my
nephew again. Last year he was still a baby and now he’s almost one year old,
active, and just adorable. That afternoon I finally meet cousin. Since we both
watched and liking Game of Thrones, we haven’t met each other so automatically
we just kept talking about the series and the theories, before she had to go.
And that afternoon we already have a plan for tomorrow’s lunch. Even already
appointed the cook, who was none other than my aunt. Just listening to the plan
got me excited.
Besoknya makin banyak anggota keluarga yang datang dan kami pun siap-siap makan siang bersama. Disebutnya Cucurak. Saya beberapa kali liat foto orang makan bersama kayak gini, tapi belum pernah ngalamin langsung. Makanan berupa nasi dan segala lauk pauknya (jangan lupa sambalnya) ditaruh di atas daun pisang, dan kami pun makan bersama-sama. Kebayang dong serunya? Walau udah makan banyak pun, ngeliat yang lain masih makan jadi terus-terusan lanjutin makan. Haha.
The next day even more family members showed up and we were getting ready to have lunch together. It’s called ‘Cucurak’ in Sundanese. I’ve seen some photos of this, but never be a part of one. Meals consist of rice and all the side dishes (don’t forget the hot and spicy sauce / sambal!) put on some sheets of banana leaves, and we enjoyed it all together. Can you imagine how fun that was? Even though I was full, seeing the others still grabbing and eat some more made me do the same. Haha.
Di libur Lebaran tahun ini belum ketemu banyak sepupu dari
keluarga Mama. Berhubung nggak bawa mainan, sorenya saya dan sepupu-sepupu cewek
pergi ke mall dan nonton Ant-Man.
Kocak banget filmnya, saya terhibur. Terus malamnya saya dicekokin nonton reality show Korea. Besoknya pada pulang
ke rumah masing-masing deh... Begitulah.
In this year’s Idul Fitri’s
holiday I haven’t met a lot of cousins from my mother’s side. We didn’t have or
bring toys or card games to play, so that afternoon me and my girl cousins went
to the mall to see Ant-Man. It was a really funny movie, I feel really entertained. Then that
night my cousin made me watched this Korean reality show. The next day we’re
already off to our own home... That was it.
Beberapa waktu lalu saya ngutak-ngatik blog ini, maksudnya
mau nambahin opsi ‘reply’ di komen,
tapi gagal. Akhirnya saya pakai widget Disqus supaya bisa pake fitur reply. Berhasil
sih nambahin widget ini, tapi komen yang pernah ada di sini jadi hilang... :(
Yah emang dikit sih komennya, tapi tetep aja sebel. Jadi, kalau habis baca
postingan yang mana aja di blog ini, jangan lupa komen ya. Hehehe. Terus ini
lagi Flickr, pilihan untuk share dengan HTML code yang biasa saya pakai hilang
begitu aja. Jadi saya harus pakai embed code. Saya nggak suka tapi terpaksa
pakai, karena belum nemu solusinya. Kenapa harus ngilangin opsi yang sebenernya
baik-baik aja sih?
A while
back I messed around on this blog, trying to add the ‘reply’ feature in the
comment section, but failed. So I use Disqus widget so I can use that feature.
I successfully added the widget, but I lost all the old comments... :( Well
there’s not much but it’s still such a bummer. So, after you read any post from
this blog, please leave a comen. Hehehe. And now Flickr eliminates the HTML
code sharing option that I usually use. So I have to use the embed code. I
really don’t like this but I use it anyway, cause I haven’t found the solution.
Why they should eliminates this option which was clearly fine?
Ada yang tahu gimana supaya saya bisa pakai HTML code Flickr
lagi? Dan, ada yang lihat blue moon di akhir bulan Juli?
Indah banget ya bulannya. Sampai postingan berikutnya!
knows how to use the Flickr HTML code sharing? Also, did anyone see the blue
moon at the end of July? It was super beautiful. Until the next post!
idul fitri
July 10, 2015
The Wolf & The Bastard
I was really excited reading their tracklist for Wilder Mind and found a song was entitled The Wolf. I've always like wolves. So when one of my favorite bands released a song with my favorite animal on the title, I got excited. The video for the song came out at the end of last month. But I just saw it just now. My bad, I know. I don't know what got me really busy last weekend... Anyway, at first glimpse of the thumbnail, I thought it was other people wearing those costumes, not them. Boy, how I wrong. AND HOW ADORABLE IS WINSTON AS A BRIDE! And Marcus as Robin Hood, of course. He knows he's been stealing hearts all around the world, I guess. Then I come to the end of the video and I found out that Marcus Haney directed this video. And the video makes perfect sense for me...
I watched his documentary, No Cameras Allowed. I watched it because he was an amateur photographer, who takes interest in concert photography, and he crashed into concerts' backstage without tickets and permissions, somehow made it, and end up being friends with some bands including Mumford & Sons. He even went on tour with them. At the end of the documentary, he was crashing the Grammys. The freaking Grammys! Like, how do you crash into the Grammys? And of course, he approach the band when he's already inside and they're like, 'Yeah, it's okay, you're with us!' Needless to say, I was in awe and also jealousy watching his journey. I'd be glad if I could just be there without being caught by the security. But this guy also end up being good friends with the band. With Mumford & Sons! It's crazy! I'm jealous! And when I'm in that state, I can't help but mutter; lucky bastard.
So, The Wolf video makes perfect sense. It reminded me to his documentary and he's showing all the interesting and fun things at Bonnaroo. Here's an interview with him if you're interested.
And talking about another bastard... Does anybody who read my blog watch Game of Thrones, devastated when Jon got stabbed multiple times, and somehow believe that he'll be back at one point (although I hope not by warging to Ghost), even though the theories just keep getting crazier? If you're saying yes, then I think we could be friends.
Until the next post, my wolf pack.
english post,
mumford and sons,
music video
June 12, 2015
To Wait and Watch
[A bilingual
mungkin saya emang sengaja nyuekin blog ini, saya nyadar kok. Tapi soal itu
bisa diomongin nanti, mungkin di postingan berbeda. Saya mau nunjukin dulu
beberapa klip ini. / It may seem like I’ve
been neglecting this blog for some reason, I’m aware of that. But let’s talk
about it later, maybe on another post. First, I want to show these clips.
Coldplay + Game of Thrones for Red Nose Day
Coba klik aja dan lihat sendiri, kalau belum! Saya lihat foto waktu mereka
rekaman di akun Google+ Coldplay. Saya pikir, oke, menarik. Nggak nyangka
bakalan semenarik dan selucu itu. Saya merasa bersalah karena ketawa waktu
mereka nyanyi tentang Red Wedding… Tapi Kit Snow bikin saya merasa lebih baik.
Click and check it out, if you haven’t already! I saw a photo from their recording day on Coldplay’s Google+ account. I thought okay, interesting. I didn't know it’d be this interesting and funny. I mean, I feel bad laughing on the part where they sing about the Red Wedding... But Kit Snow makes me feel better. ;)
Click and check it out, if you haven’t already! I saw a photo from their recording day on Coldplay’s Google+ account. I thought okay, interesting. I didn't know it’d be this interesting and funny. I mean, I feel bad laughing on the part where they sing about the Red Wedding... But Kit Snow makes me feel better. ;)
As you may have learned (from my previous post or from my tweets), lately I’m really obsessed with GoT. I love that I was able to guess some part from episode 9. But no, I haven’t and not planning to read the books. I mean, I know it’s a great piece of literature and all, but I prefer to just enjoy the TV show without expecting too much, you know? Especially now that the show has overlapped the books. And OMG the finale is next week. Based from the theories and ahem, some book spoilers that I read, I now have some speculations about what's gonna happen. And the spoilers are everywhere it’s like a field of booby trap of spoilers whenever I Googling something Game of Thrones. Although I’m still hoping that the worst won't happen. Like, please, don’t leave us hanging on the story cliff. If you know what I mean. *evil grin*
Jurrasic World
Udah main di seluruh dunia dan saya nggak sabar untuk nonton akhir pekan ini. Saya nggak mau berharap banyak, tapi final trailer-nya keliatan bagus dan menjanjikan. Jadi, lihat aja nanti. / It’s playing worldwide now and I can’t wait to see it this weekend. I don’t want to expect too much, but the final trailer looks good and promising. So we’ll see.
Terminator: Genisys
Jujur saya belum pernah nonton ‘Terminator Salvation’. Tapi saya suka tiga film sebelumnya. Lagipula Arnold bilang filmnya payah, jadi kayaknya bisa saya skip aja? Haha. Tapi yang satu ini... Para pemainnya tentunya jadi hal pertama yang menarik perhatian saya. Ada Khaleesi, eh maksudnya, Emilia Clarke sebagai Sarah Connor. Terus ada Jason Clarke. Dan Jai Courtney! Pria tampan dan tangguh itu. Semuanya jadi tambah menarik karena trailernya memberi kesan kalau ada alternative timeline dari cerita ini. Tapi yah, saya mah tau apa? Film sebelumnya aja belum nonton. Mungkin saya harus tonton sebelum ‘Genisys’ rilis awal July nanti.
To be honest still haven’t watch ‘Terminator Salvation’. But I love the previous three films. And Arnold say it was suck anyway, so I think I can skip it? Haha. But this one... hmmm. The cast was obviously the first thing that attract me. Khaleesi, I mean, Emilia Clarke is Sarah Connor. And Jason Clarke. And Jai Courtney! That tough and good looking lad. It’s getting more interesting that the trailer suggests there’s an alternative timeline to the story we all know. But what do I know? I skip the previous film. I might have too see it before ‘Genisys’ released on the first of July.
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Oke, Amerika versus Soviet. Spy. Klasik. Dan mungkin juga klise. Tapi HENRY CAVILL, meeeen! Saya harus nonton. / Okay, America versus Soviet. Spy. Clasic. And maybe a bit cliche. But HENRY CAVILL, maaan! I just have to see this one.
The Martian
Trailernya keluar beberapa hari yang lalu dan saya spontan langsung ngebandinginnya dengan Interstellar. Udah gitu ada Jessica Chastain dan Matt Damon pula di film ini. Film lain yang saya pikirkan setelah lihat trailer ini adalah ‘Cast Away’. Saya yakin kita bakal melihat penampilan yang keren banget dari Matt Damon yang kali ini terdampar di Mars. Menarik. Kalau masih butuh alasan untuk nungguin film ini, ada Ridley Scott di bangku sutradara. Tapi baru bakal rilis bulan November. Ngincar Oscar nih kayaknya.
The trailer came out a few days ago and I can’t help but compare it to Interstellar. Especially that Jessica Chastain and Matt Damon are also starring on this movie. Another movie I think about after I saw the trailer was ‘Cast Away’. I’m sure we’re going to see a superb performance from Matt Damon who is stranded on Mars. Interesting. Also, if you need more reason to look forward for this movie, Ridley Scott directed this movie. It will be released on November. Maybe they’re eyeing for some Oscars.
And then there’s Minions and Inside Out. I love animated movie! Are there any other movies you’d like to see?
So while I was writing this post I knew that I forgot one movie but I just can’t remember it but now I do. It’s American Ultra starring my baby Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg! They play a couple again and I can’t help thinking that this could be the sequel to ‘Adventureland’. I love that movie!
April 26, 2015
Random Post
Lagi pengen ngeblog tapi nggak punya stok foto dan nggak tau juga lagi pengen ngomongin apa. Nggak jelas banget, kan? Tapi pengen! Dan mood-nya sayang banget kalau nggak dimanfaatin. Oke, ngomongin ini aja deh ya... Biar berasa kayak orang sibuk gitu, sok-sok ngasih update terbaru dari hidup. Hahahaha
Last book I read: "Just After Sunset" by Stephen King. Dikasih Lily sebagai hadiah ulang tahun untuk tahun ini. Kumpulan cerpen gitu. Dan yah, namanya juga Stephen King, tulisannya bikin tegang gitu. Agak males juga sih baca cerita yang terakhir. Soalnya karakternya dikunciin di toilet portabel gitu.
Last movie I watched: Baru aja nonton The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Kalau dipikir-pikir ceritanya rada kurang greget dikit sih ya. Mungkin kalau dijelasin dikit lagi bisa bikin lebih semangat ngikutin misi para Avengers. Tapi tetep suka! Berantemnya seru. Saya nonton udah kayak anak kecil, asik ber-"Oooooh!" ria waktu jotos-jotosan.
Currently reading: "Twenties Girl" by Sophie Kinsella. Saya nggak pernah baca series Shopaholic (yang akhirnya diadaptasi ke film Confessions of A Shopaholic), tapi saya baca dan suka bukunya yang Remember Me?. Terus lagi pengen aja baca yang ringan-ringan gitu. Sejauh ini kocak banget sih bukunya.
Current personal project: Nyelesain Goodreads' 2015 Reading Challenge. Tahun lalu nargetin baca 15 buku, tapi minus 3 buku kalau nggak salah. Tahun ini maunya sih baca 20 buku, kalau bisa lebih. Dan um... bangun lebih pagi? Hehehehe.
TV Show: Game of Thrones Season 5. Setelah denger dari Tumblr dan liat segala macam gifs di Tumblr, saya akhirnya nyerah dan mulai nonton Game of Thrones. Tadinya males soalnya saya pikir udah ketinggalan banyak secara udah mau S5. Tapi rasa penasaran mengalahkan segalanya. Tsah... Saya baru mulai nonton Januari lalu, bertekad nyelesain 4 season sebelum season 5 mulai pertengahan April kemaren. Dan berhasil. Sekarang setiap Senin nonton episode barunya dulu sebelum berangkat kerja. Bukan karyawan teladan. Biarin. Valar morghulis!
Cerita dikit. Hari Jumat waktu lagi nunggu bus, saya akhirnya ngobrol sama seorang cewek. Kebetulan kita nunggu bus yang sama. Lumayan lama nunggu, busnya datang tapi udah penuh banget. Saya lebih milih nunggu bus yang selanjutnya, walaupun emang hampir setengah sembilan malam. Dia ragu dan akhirnya ikutan nunggu, mumpung ada temennya, katanya. Jadilah kita nunggu lebih lama lagi. Sepanjang nunggu, sampai akhirnya busnya datang, dan kita duduk manis di bus, dia ngomong nggak henti-henti. Extrovert banget. At one point, dia nyeritain temennya yang introvert dan bilang kalau introvert itu kaku dan statis. Saya sempet agak sebel gitu sih dengernya. Kalau dia ngeluarin satu lagi deskripsi, mungkin saya mau bilang, "Ahem, saya introvert loh." Untungnya enggak.
Yah, sebagai introvert (tapi nggak tau kadar/levelnya) saya kagum sekaligus ngeri gimana orang lain bisa ngomong segitu banyaknya. Kagum karena saya nggak bisa kayak gitu. Kalau ngobrol, saya berusaha ramah dan mikir topik apa yang bisa jadi sambungan obrolan. Tapi nggak pernah bisa ngomong sebanyak itu, kecuali sama teman-teman dekat. Ngeri karena nggak habis pikir gimana ini orang bisa cerita segitu banyak sama saya yang baru aja dia kenal. Intinya saya seneng-seneng aja sih jadi introvert. :)
April 4, 2015
Photo Mess
Omg I prepared so many photos I don't even know where to start. Okay... So I can finally use VSCO Cam because I got a new phone. Then I keep hearing about Afterlight and decided to buy the app and now I mainly use it. So. Many. Filters. Although I usually just use the 'Russ' (created by none other than Kevin Russ, whose photographs are such a good thing for the eyes and soul~). Some are from the early days I use these apps so the effect is a bit excessive. Pardon me.
I'm not sure why I only posted some of these photos to my social media account. But that's what this photo mess posts are for, rrrrright? I'm really happy that Flickr has finally work normally for me. For the last few posts I had to use the old uploader. I wonder if the new Camera Roll beta feature has something to do with it. So anyway, here are tons of photos that I edited with VSCO Cam or Afterlight, some of them where intended to be posted to Instagram or Path, some of them where edited because I was just passing time, and I just don't have the heart to delete them. I'm such a picture hoarder.
Here are some from works. Our office pet and mascot, Burhan the owl, died after suffering from a mysterious sickness. One afternoon he just couldn't stand on his own feet anymore. The keeper brought him to the vet, got some pills, and then shortly he was already gone. It was sad. He is now replaced by a smaller owl and most of us refused to call it by any other name, so she's another Burhan. I'd like to think that her full name is 'Burhan II'. Sometimes we (me and the other three girls) made some dinner at the office. Just some simple dishes, usually on Friday. It's ridiculous how making something simple were never that simple with them. But it's always fun. Last Valentine we exchanged gifts. We may look like a bunch of pathetic singles, but the fact is the ones who weren't single seems like the most excited.
Still from work. Sometimes we have lunch at this restaurant nearby our office. But most of the time we had lunch together at the open area at the back of the office. We had pizza for special occasions, usually when it's someone's birthday. So yeah, a lot of pizzas. I don't mind at all. I don't think I can ever get over how much I like pizza. On the other hand, some of my friends kind of sick of it and requested the next birthday dude to order something else than pizza. But then when the time comes and the pizzas were served, no one says no... Hahaha. The first time I watched a movie on IMAX was Interstellar and it was awesome. And then one day I found the key of Erebor...
Some flowers from my cousin's wedding. I remember how we were all exhausted and still hungry after that wedding that afternoon. So my aunt made some noodles for us. It was a bit windy. Just sitting there at the small living room of our late grandparent's house, watching TV, enjoying those good ol' and hot noodles felt so good.
And even more foods. I didn't realize I took these many photos of my foods. I bought triple chocolate cake for my mother's birthday. It was good but not as good as I expected. And some other from hangouts with friends. When I was with my BFFs, I often able to stay until a little later than usual, talking about just about anything over some meals. Those bottles are just cold tea and soda, by the way.
Wow, it's been a really messy post. I just need to put these photos out here so I don't lose it if something ever happened to my electronic devices. I may also been typing these words with my mind being in some other place. Hahaha. I haven't decide if I want to finish a book or to finish this TV series I've been watching in my free time this weekend. Anyway, have a great weekend, folks!
work life
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