August 2, 2015

Idul Fitri 2015

Idul Fitri 2015 Laksa Opor Ayam
Hai, semuanya. Berhubung ini postingan pertama setelah Idul Fitri, saya mau sekalian minta maaf nih ya kalau ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan, candaan yang nggak lucu, atau informasi yang nggak tepat di blog saya ini. Seperti biasa, setiap Lebaran saya ketemuan dengan keluarga orang tua yang masing-masing berasal dari Bogor dan Jakarta. Tahun ini lumayan beda, karena yang pertama kami kunjungi keluarga yang di Bogor lebih dulu.
Hei, everyone. Because this is the first post after Idul Fitri, I’d like to apologize for less pleasant words, not so funny jokes, or misinformations in this blog. As usual, every this time of the year, I’ll meet up with family from both of my parents, each of them from Bogor and Jakarta. This year’s a bit different, we visited the one at Bogor first.
  CousinsPeeking Give me that cheek Hey... Bath time!
Senang banget bisa ketemu keponakan saya. Tahun lalu dia masih bayi banget dan sekarang udah hampir setahun, aktif, dan bikin gemes. Sorenya, akhirnya ketemu sepupu saya. Sejak mulai nonton dan suka Game of Thrones, kami baru ketemu lagi jadi otomatis langsung ngomongin series dan teori-teorinya, sebelum dia harus pulang. Sore itu juga kami udah punya rencana untuk makan siang di hari berikutnya. Bahkan udah langsung mendaulat juru masaknya, yang tak lain adalah bibi saya juga. Denger rencananya saya ikutan semangat.
I’m so happy to finally see my nephew again. Last year he was still a baby and now he’s almost one year old, active, and just adorable. That afternoon I finally meet cousin. Since we both watched and liking Game of Thrones, we haven’t met each other so automatically we just kept talking about the series and the theories, before she had to go. And that afternoon we already have a plan for tomorrow’s lunch. Even already appointed the cook, who was none other than my aunt. Just listening to the plan got me excited.

Besoknya makin banyak anggota keluarga yang datang dan kami pun siap-siap makan siang bersama. Disebutnya Cucurak. Saya beberapa kali liat foto orang makan bersama kayak gini, tapi belum pernah ngalamin langsung. Makanan berupa nasi dan segala lauk pauknya (jangan lupa sambalnya) ditaruh di atas daun pisang, dan kami pun makan bersama-sama. Kebayang dong serunya? Walau udah makan banyak pun, ngeliat yang lain masih makan jadi terus-terusan lanjutin makan. Haha.
The next day even more family members showed up and we were getting ready to have lunch together. It’s called ‘Cucurak’ in Sundanese. I’ve seen some photos of this, but never be a part of one. Meals consist of rice and all the side dishes (don’t forget the hot and spicy sauce / sambal!) put on some sheets of banana leaves, and we enjoyed it all together. Can you imagine how fun that was? Even though I was full, seeing the others still grabbing and eat some more made me do the same. Haha.
   That pudding thoSome meals Getting in position And then there's this meal
Watching the sunset ! Smile through a dirty window And moving on to the next town.....

Di libur Lebaran tahun ini belum ketemu banyak sepupu dari keluarga Mama. Berhubung nggak bawa mainan, sorenya saya dan sepupu-sepupu cewek pergi ke mall dan nonton Ant-Man. Kocak banget filmnya, saya terhibur. Terus malamnya saya dicekokin nonton reality show Korea. Besoknya pada pulang ke rumah masing-masing deh... Begitulah.
In this year’s Idul Fitri’s holiday I haven’t met a lot of cousins from my mother’s side. We didn’t have or bring toys or card games to play, so that afternoon me and my girl cousins went to the mall to see Ant-Man. It was a really funny movie, I feel really entertained. Then that night my cousin made me watched this Korean reality show. The next day we’re already off to our own home... That was it.
  A part of my aunt's kitchenLunch Some purple cheesecakes

Beberapa waktu lalu saya ngutak-ngatik blog ini, maksudnya mau nambahin opsi ‘reply’ di komen, tapi gagal. Akhirnya saya pakai widget Disqus supaya bisa pake fitur reply. Berhasil sih nambahin widget ini, tapi komen yang pernah ada di sini jadi hilang... :( Yah emang dikit sih komennya, tapi tetep aja sebel. Jadi, kalau habis baca postingan yang mana aja di blog ini, jangan lupa komen ya. Hehehe. Terus ini lagi Flickr, pilihan untuk share dengan HTML code yang biasa saya pakai hilang begitu aja. Jadi saya harus pakai embed code. Saya nggak suka tapi terpaksa pakai, karena belum nemu solusinya. Kenapa harus ngilangin opsi yang sebenernya baik-baik aja sih?
A while back I messed around on this blog, trying to add the ‘reply’ feature in the comment section, but failed. So I use Disqus widget so I can use that feature. I successfully added the widget, but I lost all the old comments... :( Well there’s not much but it’s still such a bummer. So, after you read any post from this blog, please leave a comen. Hehehe. And now Flickr eliminates the HTML code sharing option that I usually use. So I have to use the embed code. I really don’t like this but I use it anyway, cause I haven’t found the solution. Why they should eliminates this option which was clearly fine?

Ada yang tahu gimana supaya saya bisa pakai HTML code Flickr lagi? Dan, ada yang lihat blue moon di akhir bulan Juli? Indah banget ya bulannya. Sampai postingan berikutnya!
Anyone knows how to use the Flickr HTML code sharing? Also, did anyone see the blue moon at the end of July? It was super beautiful. Until the next post!


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