January 20, 2014

Slow Days + 2013 Video

IMG_2663 IMG_3050 Coffee and a spoon I tried to bend _MG_1396 _MG_1457 _MG_1803 _MG_1839 IMG_3042 IMG_3052 IMG_3053

It's funny how by the end of the year time seems to fly by, but after the year has changed it's like everything slows down. Back to school. Back to work. Back to reality. My mom especially hated the fact that her two weeks off went by in just one blink of an eye. She and I were born on January, our birthday is only ten days apart. Nothing special on those days. But I did make her a card and buy her a cake. This January I am back on the blogosphere without having to deal with slow internet anymore. Incredibly happy and grateful about that, so it's a good start. And since everything back on, I will share photos from Central Java trip (that I previously posted in one big photo grid blah) on the next post. In other news, it's been raining almost non-stop here. But some days it will rain and fifteen minutes later the sunshine is back.

I managed to put my footage into a video. In the process, I accidentally deleted all the footage permanently, cried in desperation, found a software to recover them, only to realize that I actually still have them in different disc drive on my laptop... You know, I could be really forgetful and dumb sometimes. Anyway, here's the video. Just watch it, please. :)



Emmett Katherine said...

isn't it the worst feeling when you think you've accidentally deleted something? I've done that before with my camera, it's so upsetting :( thank goodness you didn't actually delete your video files!!!

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