April 6, 2013

Some Plan(t)s

Went to Bogor last Saturday with my mom’s family, about to visit some relatives, also from her side of the family. I wouldn’t want to go if we didn’t make a stop to visit my aunt from my father’s side. I always think that my father’s blood that runs in my veins that miss his hometown so much. I miss it too. It was so nice just being there, staring at the tree as we pass them by, then smell the air as the rain pours… :)

Before we left to Bogor, we wait for everyone who’s going at my cousin’s home. So I took some pictures of their little garden. The pictures I took that day were mostly plants. I imagine I will have a little garden in the backyard of my future home. 

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1. These aren’t limes, according to my aunt.
2. Focus 1.
3. Focus 2.
4. Little garden.
5. Bougenvilles.
6. Hello.
7. Some kind of pepper.
8. Some kind of pepper – the ripe one.
9. Chilies.

_MG_7257 _MG_7248 MHM_1130331201857 limes picking limes IMG_7276-edit IMG_7294

10. Familiar yet unknown flowers to me.
11. Mushrooms.
12. Bogor.
13. Limes!
14. Lime + banana tree.
15. Hello, pretty wildflower. This is one of my new favorite photos. :)
16. Rainbow on the Easter afternoon. Anyone else notice the second rainbow near the upper corner?

I've been stressed out by the traffic lately. Really wish I could just teleport from home to the office or anywhere I want to. It's going to save so much time, money, and negative feelings. I'm thinking if I retired one day, I'll move to a quiet place, grow my own fruits and vegetables, running away from the city... That'd be nice. 


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