April 26, 2015

Random Post

Blog Blog

Lagi pengen ngeblog tapi nggak punya stok foto dan nggak tau juga lagi pengen ngomongin apa. Nggak jelas banget, kan? Tapi pengen! Dan mood-nya sayang banget kalau nggak dimanfaatin. Oke, ngomongin ini aja deh ya... Biar berasa kayak orang sibuk gitu, sok-sok ngasih update terbaru dari hidup. Hahahaha

Last book I read: "Just After Sunset" by Stephen King. Dikasih Lily sebagai hadiah ulang tahun untuk tahun ini. Kumpulan cerpen gitu. Dan yah, namanya juga Stephen King, tulisannya bikin tegang gitu. Agak males juga sih baca cerita yang terakhir. Soalnya karakternya dikunciin di toilet portabel gitu.

Last movie I watched: Baru aja nonton The Avengers: Age of Ultron. Kalau dipikir-pikir ceritanya rada kurang greget dikit sih ya. Mungkin kalau dijelasin dikit lagi bisa bikin lebih semangat ngikutin misi para Avengers. Tapi tetep suka! Berantemnya seru. Saya nonton udah kayak anak kecil, asik ber-"Oooooh!" ria waktu jotos-jotosan.

Currently reading: "Twenties Girl" by Sophie Kinsella. Saya nggak pernah baca series Shopaholic (yang akhirnya diadaptasi ke film Confessions of A Shopaholic), tapi saya baca dan suka bukunya yang Remember Me?. Terus lagi pengen aja baca yang ringan-ringan gitu. Sejauh ini kocak banget sih bukunya.

Current personal project: Nyelesain Goodreads' 2015 Reading Challenge. Tahun lalu nargetin baca 15 buku, tapi minus 3 buku kalau nggak salah. Tahun ini maunya sih baca 20 buku, kalau bisa lebih. Dan um... bangun lebih pagi? Hehehehe.

TV Show: Game of Thrones Season 5. Setelah denger dari Tumblr dan liat segala macam gifs di Tumblr, saya akhirnya nyerah dan mulai nonton Game of Thrones. Tadinya males soalnya saya pikir udah ketinggalan banyak secara udah mau S5. Tapi rasa penasaran mengalahkan segalanya. Tsah... Saya baru mulai nonton Januari lalu, bertekad nyelesain 4 season sebelum season 5 mulai pertengahan April kemaren. Dan berhasil. Sekarang setiap Senin nonton episode barunya dulu sebelum berangkat kerja. Bukan karyawan teladan. Biarin. Valar morghulis!

Cerita dikit. Hari Jumat waktu lagi nunggu bus, saya akhirnya ngobrol sama seorang cewek. Kebetulan kita nunggu bus yang sama. Lumayan lama nunggu, busnya datang tapi udah penuh banget. Saya lebih milih nunggu bus yang selanjutnya, walaupun emang hampir setengah sembilan malam. Dia ragu dan akhirnya ikutan nunggu, mumpung ada temennya, katanya. Jadilah kita nunggu lebih lama lagi. Sepanjang nunggu, sampai akhirnya busnya datang, dan kita duduk manis di bus, dia ngomong nggak henti-henti. Extrovert banget. At one point, dia nyeritain temennya yang introvert dan bilang kalau introvert itu kaku dan statis. Saya sempet agak sebel gitu sih dengernya. Kalau dia ngeluarin satu lagi deskripsi, mungkin saya mau bilang, "Ahem, saya introvert loh." Untungnya enggak.

Yah, sebagai introvert (tapi nggak tau kadar/levelnya) saya kagum sekaligus ngeri gimana orang lain bisa ngomong segitu banyaknya. Kagum karena saya nggak bisa kayak gitu. Kalau ngobrol, saya berusaha ramah dan mikir topik apa yang bisa jadi sambungan obrolan. Tapi nggak pernah bisa ngomong sebanyak itu, kecuali sama teman-teman dekat. Ngeri karena nggak habis pikir gimana ini orang bisa cerita segitu banyak sama saya yang baru aja dia kenal. Intinya saya seneng-seneng aja sih jadi introvert. :)

April 4, 2015

Photo Mess

photo mess
Omg I prepared so many photos I don't even know where to start. Okay... So I can finally use VSCO Cam because I got a new phone. Then I keep hearing about Afterlight and decided to buy the app and now I mainly use it. So. Many. Filters. Although I usually just use the 'Russ' (created by none other than Kevin Russ, whose photographs are such a good thing for the eyes and soul~). Some are from the early days I use these apps so the effect is a bit excessive. Pardon me.

I'm not sure why I only posted some of these photos to my social media account. But that's what this photo mess posts are for, rrrrright? I'm really happy that Flickr has finally work normally for me. For the last few posts I had to use the old uploader. I wonder if the new Camera Roll beta feature has something to do with it. So anyway, here are tons of photos that I edited with VSCO Cam or Afterlight, some of them where intended to be posted to Instagram or Path, some of them where edited because I was just passing time, and I just don't have the heart to delete them. I'm such a picture hoarder.
   Iced coffee and deadlinesMike Wazowski! Blue sky from office's rooftop Burhan the owl :( Burhan the owl :( Some sandwich ingredients One Friday Sandwich Valentine gifts Everybody got somethin' Remote control freaks
Here are some from works. Our office pet and mascot, Burhan the owl, died after suffering from a mysterious sickness. One afternoon he just couldn't stand on his own feet anymore. The keeper brought him to the vet, got some pills, and then shortly he was already gone. It was sad. He is now replaced by a smaller owl and most of us refused to call it by any other name, so she's another Burhan. I'd like to think that her full name is 'Burhan II'. Sometimes we (me and the other three girls) made some dinner at the office. Just some simple dishes, usually on Friday. It's ridiculous how making something simple were never that simple with them. But it's always fun. Last Valentine we exchanged gifts. We may look like a bunch of pathetic singles, but the fact is the ones who weren't single seems like the most excited.
  Shoes and leaves, whateverThe girls Interstellar at IMAX! That one time I found the key of Erebor... Papricano Yo! Lunch Lunch break Pizza!Still from work. Sometimes we have lunch at this restaurant nearby our office. But most of the time we had lunch together at the open area at the back of the office. We had pizza for special occasions, usually when it's someone's birthday. So yeah, a lot of pizzas. I don't mind at all. I don't think I can ever get over how much I like pizza. On the other hand, some of my friends kind of sick of it and requested the next birthday dude to order something else than pizza. But then when the time comes and the pizzas were served, no one says no... Hahaha. The first time I watched a movie on IMAX was Interstellar and it was awesome. And then one day I found the key of Erebor...
  Aaaah hanging flowersBeing silly and jumpy Sunshine through flowers Flowers at cousin's wedding Paper flowers Noodles at windy afternoon with family
Some flowers from my cousin's wedding. I remember how we were all exhausted and still hungry after that wedding that afternoon. So my aunt made some noodles for us. It was a bit windy. Just sitting there at the small living room of our late grandparent's house, watching TV, enjoying those good ol' and hot noodles felt so good.
Salmon steakSalmonsss Coconutsss Mom Milk Hanging out Candids are my fave Sat night with the gang Sat nightAnd even more foods. I didn't realize I took these many photos of my foods. I bought triple chocolate cake for my mother's birthday. It was good but not as good as I expected. And some other from hangouts with friends. When I was with my BFFs, I often able to stay until a little later than usual, talking about just about anything over some meals. Those bottles are just cold tea and soda, by the way.

Wow, it's been a really messy post. I just need to put these photos out here so I don't lose it if something ever happened to my electronic devices. I may also been typing these words with my mind being in some other place. Hahaha. I haven't decide if I want to finish a book or to finish this TV series I've been watching in my free time this weekend. Anyway, have a great weekend, folks!
Read the Printed Word!