March 23, 2015

Museum Wedding

Museum Wedding Museum Wedding Museum Wedding Museum Wedding Museum Wedding Museum Wedding Museum Wedding
Not my wedding. My cousin got married on the second Sunday of March. I like weddings, except the part where my mother and (other older people) made things a little complicated by commenting and commanding on other people to do something, even when they meant to help making everything perfect. Oh, also the part where I had to sit on the make-up chair. Usually they put so much make up on your face and I don’t think I’ve ever really liked how it turned out. Like, they put on so much foundation and powder that in a couple of hours, the wrinkles around your mouth and smiling line will show you how thick it was. This time was a bit different. We got there so early in the morning, lining up for the make-up, checking out the place as we wait... But then the make-up team got overwhelmed. Me and my cousins end up putting our own make-up and that made me super grateful. It’s not that great, but it’s a lot simpler, and I did just fine. 

The wedding was held at Museum Tekstil (Textile Museum), Jakarta. The place would be perfect if you’re not inviting a lot of guests. And you can have your meal by this small garden. It got so crowded by the time more guests were coming and it rained for a bit. I got some wet soils on my wedges. But I think it’s rare to have a wedding in Indonesia in which you only invite small group of people. 

My other cousins and uncle bring their own camera and they were as busy as the wedding photographers. Which was funny, because the pro photographers were mainly staying there around the groom and the bride, while my cousins and uncle were all over the place with their camera. It’s been awhile since I’m taking my camera with me again, but I didn’t took as many pictures as usual. Maybe because I assumed I'll just wait and share the photos they took. I forgot that I was usually the one doing the quick sharing.

Hello, who are you?Bilqis! Museum Wedding Museum Wedding
But I got photos of Bilqis! I haven’t met her before. She got a little confused because the girls wear pink ‘uniforms’, so we all looked pretty much the same. She might be wondering why I looked like her favorite aunt. I snapped away as she looked in confusion at my lens. Hahaha.

So I hope my cousin and his wife will live happily together. Next thing I know I’ll be getting more nephew or niece. Oh my God, that always make me feel a lot older.


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