November 9, 2014

Here and There

IMG_7965 Sate IMG_8221 IMG_8224 IMG_8230 An afternoon... IMG_8215 Tali jemuran Paper Man Paper Man IMG_8220 IMG_8230 Felove

Here with family, there with best friends. We gathered at my grandparent's house on Idul Adha like we used to. I helped my aunt and uncle cut the flesh out of a cow's leg. I'm quite clumsy, but I was doing good. Only ended up with a chipped nail and sore arms. Special days at their house like that always make me miss my grandparent even more. And the old house only make the memories grew a little more vivid in mind. I was standing at the balcony and I remember how it felt really huge for me. My uncle made Iron Man helmet from paper and it looks pretty cool. Then we met Felove again and she's still shy and cute as ever.
  IMG_8268IMG_8267 IMG_8285 IMG_8287 Girls IMG_8322 IMG_8277 We're on TV

This post was definitely not sponsored by Kemenpora despite of what's written on Ika's T-shirt. Haha. Finally met the girls again after about two months. We went to a friend's wedding reception that happened to be nearby Ika and Indah's neighborhood. So we dropped by Ika's house, catch up on each other's life while messing up her bedroom. But it still felt like a super short meeting and conversations. Looking forward to see them again soon.

I have enough photos for two more posts but 1) I'm too lazy to organize and upload them right now, 2) I'm not sure if I should post them separately, and 3) Some are photos I took for articles that will be written by my friend at work, so I better wait until the articles are all up and online. Well, life's been pretty good friends. I still have so much to learn (especially to manage my own money) and it's all new and exciting. That means I have less time to blog but that's totally okay as long as I keep shooting and maybe save the stories to post later, right? Right.


Unknown said...

lemari baju perempuan berantakan juga ya, gw pikir lemari baju cowok doang :D

Kati said...

Loving having an insight into your life through your beautiful photos!

Have a great New Year’s Eve,

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