March 17, 2014

Photo Mess


I said 'this has been a huge post' on a few of older posts on this blog. But honestly, I don't think I ever put together this much photos in a post, except maybe the one about Flona...? I'm not sure. So this one's huge (50 photos!). Haha. I have some photos here and there in separate folders on my laptop and I thought I'll just share it, some are probably from mid '13, not late '13.

  HomeSeeds Seeds Around the house Around the house Around the house Breakfast Stack of pancakes Pink Pancakes

Around the house - Black seeds (biji pohon jarak--nggak tau bahasa Inggris-nya.... hihi). Some days when we have fruits around, I made myself a breakfast including those fruits. The pancakes was a fun experiment. I saw these cute pumpkin patch pancakes that Vail made and always want to try it. One day I wake up and feel like making it right away, without preparing the ingredients whatsoever, but found most of them in the kitchen. My Mom only have red food coloring which I use a little so it turns out pink, decided that it will be the outline of whatever shapes I can think of. 

  Birthday card for a friendBirthday card for my friend Simplicity Bday cake for Mom Tous les jours Bday cake for Mom

A birthday card for a friend plus my infamous sign. I also really like that simple gift wrap that I have to keep some for myself. The birthday cake was for my Mom (in January). The plan didn't go as planned, but she was still surprised so it's all good. The cake was no more in three days. I would love it even more if they cut off the crust on one side of the cake. Next year I need to work on the plan and use magic candles. It will be hysterical. 

  Find the LilyIka Women In Black Untitled Women In Black Untitled Iced Coffee and make up stuff Iced Coffee Untitled Untitled

Yearbook - A few shots from the yearbook, taken at different place and different time, hoping that more friends will come. We haven't really start working on it and I myself curious as what to it will look like. I badly wished it will be printed but it's decided that it will just be distributed in digital form. Well, saving the trees and the budget, I guess. The second shoot took place at a restaurant (which apparently owned by an Indonesian celebrity) nearby our campus. We occupied their open space at the back. The last photo was taken by Lily. Someone pressed the shutter too soon and captured our feet instead of our face...

  SoupDinner with Mom Dinner with Mom Dinner with Mom Day | Night Apples Untitled

Some phone camera photos - Some dinning out with Mom. I rarely take photos of my food when I'm eating out because I  feel like people will be watching and rolling their eyes. But I may going to do it more now...? Haha. And one thing I can tell you something about myself: I sometimes take photos with my phone while getting groceries. But especially at the fruits section. Nature colors are the best, don't you think? Like these apples! Apples... I love apples. Groceries store is such a fun and colorful place. And my friend wrote a note for my birthday. It was really touching reading these words, knowing that they hope I can be a professional photographer someday.

  Nieces & NephewsNieces & Nephews Nieces & Nephews Strawberry Nieces & Nephews Nieces & Nephews Nieces & Nephews Baby A

Family time - Pretty sure kiddo put the telescope lens backward. We gathered at my aunt's place before she and uncle left for umroh. I get to see my nieces and nephews. My niece whose face is hidden doesn't really like it when I took her picture. And even if she stops saying no and let me take a picture of her, together with her smiling big sister, she would still frown at me. The black and white photo was taken by my nephew (the one with the telescope) when we picked their grandparent after they got back from umroh. Baby A (I like to call him 'bakpao cheeks') had not started walking on his own by then, someone would still have to hold him. He was so interested in a lamp at a little garden behind us and wanted to get back to it, that's why his smile was forced in this photo. Haha. Right now, I think he's already running around. :) It must be quite a body work handling kid this age. My arms were so stiff after just one afternoon holding him.

  7-11Slurpee break Untitled Fellas

Best friends - Supporting Radhith and Ika at their thesis exam. The last picture is my favorite. My friend Tiwi always have the best smile in photos, but this one is my favorite. Good timing. I was lucky. I love it.

  IMG_4833Friends M is for makan Friends Undergrad thesis perspective

These last ones are from a hangout with some other besties. The others couldn't make it so it was only three of us. Had ramen for dinner that's so spicy my mouth burned, and settled for some cold drinks. I'm looking forward for more hangout with them to catch up on each other's life. We could spend hours talking and laughing when we do hang out and catch up. One of my bestie is currently sick and I'm praying that she'll be better soon. It sucks that there's not much I can do about it.

On a lighter note, I'm happy to inform that I had finished my undergraduate thesis, did the exam for it last Thursday, and came out of the room with a smile on my face. I will tell more about it on the next post, in Bahasa. All those restless nights that resulted in various nightmares have finally paid off..... :)

See you soon, friends.


Kati said...

Thanks for your lovely words, it is much appreciated!
Love that insight to your life!

Have a fantastic day,

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