January 2, 2017


I’ll be turning 25 at midnight, a few hours from now. Maybe not technically because my mother told me I was born at around 9pm. But, ahem, anyway...

I will also start on my new job tomorrow. I can’t wait to move my muscles again, in terms of writing and just commuting daily to work. I can only do so much while staying at home even though I have so much time to spend. Well, that’s one aspect I need to work on more; time management. I kind of feel that one of the ways to get more organized is to be busy. I’m nervous but also excited too see what’s to come. 

January 2017 is exciting and not because I turn 25. I’m still definitely not an adult and the things that excite me are TV shows and my favorite band’s new album. Haha. Sherlock season 4 started on new year. The xx’s album will be released on my mom’s birthday, but they released a new single today right at midnight, so I’ll take it as a birthday gift. Haha. I’m planning to buy it from Amazon but man, it takes about a month with the regular shipping. Oh well.

I wanted to make this kind of post, but don’t really know what to put in there…? So here’s my wishlist. I might buy these things myself one of these days, depending on the priority. #IndependentWoman haha 😊

1. The Girl in the Spider’s Web by David Lagercrantz. 2. A Victorinox Swiss Army knife. I don’t know which one I want yet. 3. Black jeans. 4. Flat ankle boots so I can wear it everyday. 5. Mascara of any brand, really. I’m running out of mascara! 6. It’s finally available in Indonesian stores, can’t wait to try one. 7. I See You by the xx, of course. Out January 13th.  

Alright. Gonna watch Sherlock season 4 now. Wish me luck on the new job tomorrow! Werk it!

52 / 52

Confused Coffee 1. Ngapain woy. ðŸ˜‚
2. Ngopi duluuu~

Wah, akhirnya selesai juga nih series (hazek)! Walaupun biasa banget, foto sehari-hari aja, apalagi ending-nya gini doang dan telat banget naiknya haha, ternyata saya bisa juga yah konsisten gini. Berhubung emang lagi libur, si Mama juga libur. Biar baru sembuh sakit, jiwa bebersihnya tetep membara, jadinya hayuk weh saya yang turun tangan. 😑 Mencoba sabar tapi yah gimana capek juga dan maunya males-malesan aja, padahal tidurnya udah lama banget juga. Itu si Luna ikutan sibuk kalo orang lagi bebersih, tapi kemudian bengong sendiri di tengah barang-barang yang lagi dibersihin. Apa deh.

Tahun 2016 banyak kecewanya tapi banyak senangnya juga tentunya. Semoga di tahun ini lebih oke dan lebih sejahtera lagi yah, semuanya... Aamiin. Kayaknya mah nggak mau bikin 52 project lagi deh ya. Mau ngevlog juga nggak shanggup, bikin apa dong ya? Yasudah, sambil mikir sambil nungguin episode baru Sherlock atuh ya.

Read the Printed Word!